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例句 Turn off at the signpost for Attlebridge.在路标处拐弯去往阿特尔桥。The new pedestrian bridge will provide a more direct passage to Mann St.新的步行桥将是去往曼街的一条更直接的通道。He has been allowed to leave the country and is on his way to Britain.他已获准离境,正在去往英国的路上。I printed out a map to the party.我打印了去往聚会地点的地图。The program checks links to all pages on this and external sites.这个程序检查去往本站和外部网站的所有网页链接。Never knock charter flights; they are opening up the world for budget-conscious travellers.绝不要挑剔包机航班;他们使精打细算的乘客能够去往世界各地。We were on the motorway to London.我们在去往伦敦的高速路上。Turn south at Mulinello to reach Piazza Armerina.在穆利内洛转向南,去往皮亚扎—阿尔梅里纳。The causeway to the island is only accessible at low tide.去往岛上的堤道只有在落潮期才通行。The airline operates flights to most international destinations.这家航空公司运营的航班去往绝大部分的国际旅游胜地。The first prize is a round-trip flight to Rio.一等奖是一张去往里约热内卢的往返机票。This is Swindon. Change here for trains to Gloucester and Cheltenham.斯温登站到了。可换乘去往格洛斯特和切尔滕纳姆的火车。We are losing our top talent to other countries who pay more.我们的顶尖人才正在流失,去往报酬更丰厚的国家。A steward directed us behind the stage and towards the dressing rooms.一名服务员指引我们到后台并去往化装室。Love of adventure brought her here before taking her to many other places.对冒险的热爱使她在去往许多其他地方之前首先来到了这里。The road from here to London is well/clearly signposted.从这里去往伦敦的路标示得清清楚楚。The islanders can do little but sweat it out, wondering whether they will be forced to go and seek a new life elsewhere.岛民不知道自己是否要被迫去往他处另谋生路,但却无能为力,只好干等。The town wants to increase public access to beaches.小镇想要增加去往海滩的公共道路。They were in transit to Bombay.他们在去往孟买的途中。The tour stops in several cities.这次旅游要去往几个城市。The Mortimer Hotel offers easy access to central London.从莫蒂默旅馆去往伦敦市中心交通近便。Political pressure finally winkled him out and on to a plane bound for Berlin.政治压力最终迫使他离开,登上了去往柏林的飞机。They were on their way to the Shropshire Union Canal when their van was involved in a collision with a car.去往什罗普郡联盟运河的路上,他们的小货车与一辆小车相撞。Adieu, lovely ladies, I go I know not whither.告辞了,可爱的女士们,我不知道去往何方。She rejected his advances during the trip to Cannes.去往戛纳的途中,她拒绝了他的挑逗。The president took a short meet-and-greet walk to the restaurant.去往餐厅的途中,总统与群众简短地会面对话。




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