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词汇 厌恶
例句 She felt a deep sense of shame and repugnance.她深感羞耻和厌恶The long cold winter had only increased his hatred of the place.漫长的寒冬只会加深他对这个地方的厌恶The very thought of them was obnoxious to her.她一想到他们就厌恶Her husband developed a strong dislike for the dog.她的丈夫对这只狗产生了极度的厌恶情绪。She regarded the child with evident distaste.她以明显的厌恶眼光打量那孩子。She felt her dislike rapidly deepening to hatred.她感到她的厌恶正迅速变成仇恨。My mother detested him.我母亲对他很是厌恶The people are weary of war.人们厌恶战争。He was full of anxiety and self-loathing.他心中充满了焦虑和自我厌恶These are absolutists whom conciliation disgusts and moderation offends.这些人是绝对主义者,调解会令他们厌恶,中庸会令他们不快。Serfdom filled his heart and mind with inveterate loathing.农奴制使他整个身心产生难以克服的厌恶She regarded the mess with distaste.厌恶地看着脏乱的环境。Her face crinkled up in disgust.她的脸厌恶地皱了起来。The women took an instant dislike to one another.这些女人一见面就彼此厌恶He has no stomach for war.厌恶战争。I think the people are sick of hypocrisy and cant from their leaders.我认为民众对领导们假大空的言辞十分厌恶I detest any kind of cruelty.厌恶任何形式的残暴。Here are some creepy-crawlies that won't give you the shudders.这些小爬虫不会让你觉得厌恶He tried to conceal his instinctive revulsion at the idea.他试图掩盖自己对这一想法本能的厌恶She loathes spiders.厌恶蜘蛛。She crinkled up her nose in disgust.厌恶地皱起鼻子。I am heartily sick of the whole situation.整件事让我厌恶至极。She'd often spoken of her antipathy towards London.她以前经常提及她对伦敦的厌恶I'm quite disgusted at the way he's treated you.他这样待你让我感到十分厌恶She was filled with nausea at the sight of cruelty to animals.她看到虐待动物满腔厌恶My brother has an allergy to hard work. 我弟弟厌恶艰苦的工作。He was sick of the sordid deal.厌恶这笔肮脏的交易。I read about what happened with a feeling of shock and repulsion.我读到所发生的事情,感到又震惊又厌恶In the crowded room, he expressed his disgust to me by dumb show.在挤满人的房间里,他用手势向我表示他的厌恶Louise made no secret of her dislike for John.路易丝毫不隐瞒自己对约翰的厌恶She sneered at me in disgust.她面带厌恶地讥笑我。Nicola's face twisted into a grimace of disgust.尼古拉的脸厌恶地扭曲成一种怪相。Immediately I've done it I feel completely disgusted with myself.我一做完那件事就对自己感到十分厌恶She wrinkled her nose in disgust.厌恶地皱起鼻子。His decision was based on nothing more substantial than his dislike of foreigners.他的决定完全是基于他对外国人的厌恶而作出的。She stuck out her tongue in distaste.厌恶地伸出舌头。They got off on the wrong foot when they first met and they've disliked each other ever since.他们第一次见面就把关系搞糟了,自那以后就彼此厌恶Deep down, we had always detested each other.在内心深处,我们一直都彼此厌恶She forced me to look at myself in the cold light of day, and I didn't like what I saw.她迫使我冷静地审视自己,而我厌恶我的所见。Biology and chemistry are my bete noires.生物学和化学是我最厌恶的两个学科。




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