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词汇 单单
例句 We should not be reliant on military power alone.我们不应单单依靠军事力量。The car's reliability alone makes it a sound investment.单单这轿车的可靠性就能使它成为一笔很好的投资。The trade unions were no longer the constituency of the Labour Party alone.工会不再单单支持工党。Remember you're not just representing yourself but the whole school.记住,你不单单代表你自己,你还代表整个学校。Her fame rests on a single book.她的成名源于单单一本书。Mrs Clark said it would be a sin to evict them just because they hadn't paid their rent.克拉克太太说单单因为没有交房租就把他们赶出去,那是不对的。I can't believe she invited everyone else in the office and left me out.我真不敢相信她邀请了办公室里所有的同事,单单就漏掉了我。From a single lump of clay, Torrence had produced a work of art.托兰斯就用单单的一块陶土创作出了一件艺术品。I hope you didn't bring beer to the picnic just on my account.我希望你不是单单为了我的缘故才带啤酒来野餐的。Instead of simply punishing them, the system encourages offenders to modify their behaviour.这个制度并不是单单惩罚犯罪者,而是鼓励他们改正自己的行为。It's hard enough earning a living without having to pay out all this money on insurance.不要说还得把这些钱都拿去买保险,单单挣钱糊口就已经够困难了。The steel refining equipment alone may cost twenty millions pound.单单钢的精炼设备就可能值两千万英镑。The lesson Kodak learned is that you can't just downsize your way to profit and success.柯达学到的经验是:公司不可能单单通过裁员获得利润和成功。The mere mention of food had triggered off hunger pangs.单单提到食物就引起了阵阵饥饿感。Just hearing his name made her blood run cold.单单听见他的名字就使她胆战心惊。The mere mention of food made her feel sick.单单提到食物就会让她感到恶心。The Church was not simply the religious but also the intellectual Establishment of its time.教会不单单统治着当时的宗教界,而且还统治着当时的文化知识界。




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