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词汇 worse
例句 The alternative simply ensures that the problem will get worse.另一种方案只会使问题变得更糟。As the conflict grew worse, troops waited in readiness at the borders.随着冲突加剧,军队已在边境严阵以待。He does not think that his beliefs make him any worse than any other man.他觉得自己的信仰并不让他比其他人更邪恶。I can't think of a worse way to spend my time.我想不出更糟的消磨时间的办法。They were worse off now than when they started the business.他们现在比刚开始办企业时更缺钱。He spoke with a stutter, which got worse when he was angry.他说话结结巴巴的,生气时更为严重。Other companies are in an even worse predicament than ourselves.其他公司的处境甚至比我们的更糟糕。She had the wit to leave before the situation got any worse.在形势变糟之前她明智地离开了。The situation grew progressively worse.局势变得越来越糟。I've always worked on the basis that if I don't know anything technical I shan't be any worse off.我一贯认为,即便我对技术一窍不通,我也不会比现在更穷困潦倒。Anyway, for better or for worse, I followed her advice.不管结果会怎样,我还是听从了她的建议。Their relationship took a turn for the worse when he lost his job.他失业后他们的关系变得更糟了。Things went from bad to worse: she lost her job and then became ill.情形每况愈下:她丢了工作,接著又病了。The problem is very clearly getting worse.这个问题很明显越来越糟了。The furniture was a bit the worse for wear.家具有点破旧了。The pain grew worse.疼痛越来越厉害了。Is there any crime worse than murdering a child?难道还会有比杀害小孩更恶劣的罪行吗?The tension in the flat got worse and worse, and Kate thought about moving out.公寓里的气氛越来越紧张,凯特想搬出去住。Oscar, much the worse for vodka, did a striptease.奥斯卡喝了伏特加后醉醺醺地跳起了脱衣舞。The notion that women are worse drivers than men is simply not supported by the facts.女性的驾驶水平低于男性的说法完全没有事实依据。Sending troops in would only make the situation worse.派兵只会使形势恶化。The road got worse, but they kept going anyway.路况更差了,尽管这样他们还是继续前进。Paul's behaviour seems to get worse and worse.保罗的行为似乎越来越糟糕。He dosed himself with medicines to stop the cold from getting worse.他服药以防止感冒恶化。He hasn't written to us for ages, and my inference is that his eyesight must have gotten worse.他许久没来信了,我想他的视力一定变得更糟了。He looked first mollified and then relieved as it occurred to him his plight could be worse.想到自己本可能会陷入更糟糕的困境,他的神情先是宽慰,随后又如释重负。Her mother, poor soul, came to an even worse end.她的母亲,那个可怜的人,结局更糟糕。His breathing was getting worse and he was not expected to last the night.他的呼吸越来越弱,估计熬不过这个晚上。If the pundits are right, the economic situation may become worse before the end of the year.如果专家说得对,那么经济形势可能会在年底前恶化。The result was disappointing, but by the same token, it could have been much worse.这个结果令人失望,但情况原本可能糟糕得多。The storm got worse and worse. Finally, I was obliged to abandon the car and continue on foot.暴风雨愈发猛烈,我最终不得不弃车步行。She came home looking a bit the worse for wear.她回到了家,看起来有点醉醺醺的。My results were bad, but his were even worse.我的成绩不好,但他的成绩更差。You are no worse off now than you were before.你现在的境况不比以前差。The news fuelled speculation that the President's health had become significantly worse.这消息加深了人们对总统身体健康明显恶化的猜测。Spending Christmas with him and his brother - I can't imagine anything worse!跟他兄弟俩一起过圣诞节?我可想象不出比这更糟糕的事了!He's the partner I chose, for better or for worse.不管怎样他是我选择的合伙人。To negate the results of elections would only make things worse.否定选举的结果只会使事情变得更糟。To make things worse, Jimmy suddenly announced he'd left his passport at home.更糟糕的是,吉米突然说他把护照忘在家里了。Sam's desperation grew worse as his exams approached.随着考试的临近,萨姆学习越来越拼命。




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