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Stop worrying about what you're feeling. Let yourself go.不要总想着自己是什么感觉。放轻松点。You won't make things any better by worrying about them.担心于事无补。The situation in Ethiopia in particular is worrying.埃塞俄比亚的局势尤其令人担忧。He lay awake all night worrying.他一夜未眠,忧心忡忡。She spends far too much energy worrying about her daughter.她费了太多太多的精力为女儿操心。Stop worrying, Dad, we'll be fine.别发愁了,爸爸,我们不会有事的。I don't know what you're worrying about.我不知道你在担心什么。There is no percentage in worrying about it.为此担忧无济于事。It was around that time that people started worrying about the ozone layer.大约就在那时人们开始担心臭氧层。Any dog caught worrying sheep in these fields will be shot.这些牧场里只要发现有狗攻击羊只,狗就会被射杀。Her determined romanticism was worrying me.她坚定的浪漫主义情怀让我感到担忧。Please, once and for all, stop worrying.最后再说一遍,请别担心了。She is astray in the head, worrying about her son.她为儿子急得神志不清。I've been worrying a lot about my health.我一直非常担心自己的健康。Stop worrying about your pimples; they're barely noticeable.别担心那些小粉刺,几乎看不出来的。Try not to get depressed - after all, what's the use of worrying?不要沮丧——话说回来,担心又有什么用呢?You're worrying about something, aren't you? Come on, out with it!你在为什么事发愁,是吗?得了,说出来好啦! Cross chided himself for worrying.克罗斯怨怪自己瞎操心。He was remorseful for worrying his mother.他责备自己不该使母亲烦恼。His behaviour is worrying to us.他的行为真叫我们发愁。Too much time is spent worrying over that which one cannot change.太多的时间花在了担心那些我们无法改变的事情上。He was obsessively worrying at that one little spot on his arm.他执着地抠着胳膊上的小块红斑。The situation is extremely worrying.局势非常令人担忧。You'll spend your entire time worrying.你会时刻感到不安的。She lay sleepless for hours, worrying.她忧心忡忡地躺了几个小时都无法入睡。The proportion of imports to exports is worrying the government.进出口的比例令政府担忧。I heard a rat worrying a book.我听见老鼠在啮碎一本书。Children use fantasy to explore worrying aspects of real life.孩子们用幻想来探索实际生活中令人不安的各种事情。How can I make her stop worrying so much?我怎样才能让她不再这么发愁呢?He could not conceive that anything really serious could be worrying his friend.他想象不出能有什么非常严重的事情让他的朋友操心。The dog was in the corner worrying at a bone.那条狗在角落里正来回啃着一块骨头。Wait till you're back on your feet before you start worrying about your exams.等你恢复健康后再担心考试的事吧。I heard something worrying at work this morning.今天早上一上班我就听说了一件令人十分担忧的事。We'll all be dead in a hundred years so there's no point worrying about it.百年后我们都已死去,因此为此担心是没有必要的。Her happy nature kept her from worrying.她生性快乐,从不烦恼。We should stop worrying about such matters and start counting our blessings.我们不该再为这样的事忧虑了,我们够幸运的了。Too much time is spent worrying over that which one can't change.太多的时间花在了担心那些我们无力改变的事情上。This is a very worrying incident.这是一个非常令人担忧的事件。The proposals display a worrying poverty of ideas.这些建议显示出令人堪忧的思想匮乏。The dog was worrying an old shoe.狗在撕咬着一只旧皮鞋。 |