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词汇 reputation
例句 She has a reputation for brilliance. Also, she is gorgeous.她以才华出众而闻名。此外,她还非常漂亮。She hoped the book would restore her blemished reputation.她希望这本书能恢复她受玷污的名声。She carved out a reputation for herself as a leading lady with a good line in playing strong characters.她为自己赢得了擅长出演强势女主角的声誉。He's been under a lot of pressure to live up to his reputation as the world's best player.他为了不辜负作为世界最佳选手的声誉,承受到不少压力。He has found it difficult to live up to his name/reputation. 他发现很难不负众望。He has a reputation as something of a troublemaker.在某种程度上,他是一个制造麻烦的人,这可是出了名的。He has a very bad reputation to live down.他想使自己的恶名被人遗忘。He worked in the property business for a number of years, acquiring a reputation as a formidable wheeler-dealer.他在房地产行业混了好些年,得了个不好对付、爱耍手腕的名声。The newspapers savaged his reputation.报纸严重诋毁了他的声誉。He had a reputation for keeping his nose clean.他以洁身自好而出名。 He has a notorious reputation of womanizing.他因玩弄女性而臭名远扬。This place doesn't have a very savory reputation.这个地方名声不佳。I heard he has a pretty dodgy reputation.我听说他的名声挺可疑的。He had laid his own reputation on the line.他已经将自己的名誉豁出去了。He had a reputation of being a follower, not a leader.他以追随者而非领导者闻名。Manson has a reputation as one of the most stylish designers around.曼森作为现在最时髦的设计师之一名闻于世。It's difficult to emerge from such a scandal with your reputation still intact.经历这样的丑闻难保你的名声不受损害。He emerged from the trial with his reputation intact.他经历了审讯,名望丝毫未受损。The college acquired a reputation for very high standards.那所学院以学术水平高而闻名。Their cars have a reputation for safety and reliability.他们的汽车以安全和可靠而闻名。The mill has the reputation of being one of the most energy-efficient in the world.这家工厂享有世界上能源效率最高的工厂的声誉。Wilson carefully cultivated a reputation for moderation.威尔逊潜心经营了自己温和克制的名声。I'm afraid his splendid reputation went by the board a long time ago.恐怕他的好名声早就完蛋了。Any carrion was welcome to them which would taint his reputation.一切有损他名声的秽闻都受到他们的欢迎。The used-car business has a pretty bad reputation.旧车买卖行业的声誉相当不好。He is really living up to his reputation of being a fool.他这会儿的作为可真是不负傻瓜的盛名了。The case was brought by his family, who say their reputation has been damaged by allegations about him.案件诉讼是由他家人提起的,声称有关他的指控损害了他们的名誉。Kelson has a reputation as a fair and compassionate judge.凯尔森享有公正有同情心的法官的声誉。Baker accused the press of casting a slur on his reputation.贝克指责新闻界中伤他的名誉。There is not the slightest stain upon her reputation.她的名声洁白无瑕。Alice Munro has a reputation for being a very depressing writer.艾丽斯·芒罗以文风沉郁闻名。Potentially, this could damage the reputation of the whole industry.这可能会毁掉整个行业的声誉。He has a reputation for being awkward.他难对付是出了名的。She was jealous of her good reputation.她非常珍惜自己的名誉。Companies must earn a reputation for honesty.公司必须树立诚信的声誉。She found it hard to live down her reputation as a second-rate actress.她发现很难使人们忘掉她二流演员的名声。Ogilvy had a reputation as a great orator.奥格尔维享有杰出演说家的名声。In her last job she acquired a reputation as a troublemaker.她干上一份工作时,得了个惹事精的臭名。The school is trying to repair its damaged reputation.学校正在尽力挽回其受损的声誉。He has earned a reputation as the man who can close a show with a bad review.他因可以用一则恶评毙掉一场演出而闻名。




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