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词汇 半个
例句 I spent half the morning sitting in a traffic jam.我遇上塞车,在车里等了半个上午。Visitors have complained about the scaffolding that shrouds half the castle.游客们抱怨脚手架遮蔽了半个城堡。They ate half a loaf between them at every meal.他们俩每餐共吃半个面包。Townsend intercepted a pass and ran half the length of the pitch to score.汤森断下传球后跑过半个球场射门得分。I pressed the juice of half a lemon into a glass of water.我把半个柠檬的汁挤进了一杯水里。The famine affected half the continent.这场饥馑影响了半个大陆。The product is shipped halfway around/across the world.运输这种产品要横跨半个地球。At weekends, I sometimes sleep away half the morning.周末我有时会睡掉半个上午。From what I hear, half the campus is lusting after her.从我听到的来看,半个学校的人都想和她上床。He chattered on happily for about half an hour.他高兴地唠叨了差不多半个钟头。She devoured half an apple pie.她狼吞虎咽地吃下了半个苹果派。Half the city was destroyed by a disastrous fire.在一场灾难性的大火中,半个城市付之一炬。Do you want the other half of my bagel?你还想要我剩下的那半个面包圈吗?Use half a lemon dipped in salt and vinegar.半个柠檬蘸上盐和醋。For more than half a century, the reassuring tones of BBC newscasters have informed British television viewers about world events.半个多世纪以来,英国广播公司的播音员用沉稳的语调向英国电视观众报道世界大事。It took half an hour to clean the orange powder off the bath.花了半个钟头才把浴缸上的柑橘粉擦洗掉。Bake for half an hour - the top should be crisp, and the underneath moist and succulent.烘烤半个钟头——就会外焦里嫩,松软多汁。Don't breathe a syllable of it.这事半个字也不要透露。Add the juice of half a lemon.加入半个柠檬的汁。Robert had stuffed half a cinnamon bun in his mouth and couldn’t say a word.罗伯特把半个桂皮味圆面包塞在嘴里,说不出话来。We've been waiting for a good half hour.我们已等了半个多小时。Half-concealed by the curtain, he peered out of the window.他把半个身子藏在窗帘后面,看着窗外。Norway has been top dog of the whaling business for more than half a century.挪威已主宰捕鲸业半个多世纪了。I had to wait over half an hour for the train this morning.今天早上我等火车等了半个多小时。Climbing the first hill took half an hour.爬第一座小山花了半个钟头。I was worried half the night and had a fitful sleep.半个晚上都一直在担心,故而时醒时睡。A car breaking down at rush hour could cause gridlock across half the city.在交通高峰时间,一辆车抛锚就可能使半个城市都陷入交通瘫痪。He's scythed half the orchard.他已经将半个果园的草割除。It's a good half hour's walk to the station from here.从这儿步行到车站足需半个多小时。I lost half a morning's work when the program crashed.由于程序瘫痪,我半个上午的工作都白费了。Half a piece is better than none.半个总比没有强。He travelled halfway round the globe to meet him.他走了半个地球来和他相会。She had a career spanning more than half a century.她的事业持续了半个多世纪。I spent half the morning on the phone, which wasn't really my intent.半个上午都花在了打电话上,这可不是我真正想做的。The journey took her the better part of an hour.旅程花去了她半个多小时。Lightning struck the power lines, plunging half the city into darkness.雷电击中了电线,半个城市突然陷入了黑暗之中。The old woman knelt in prayer for half an hour.老妇人跪着祷告了半个钟点。The fire consumed half the village.大火吞噬了半个村庄。Anthony devoured half his burger in one bite.安东尼一口吃掉了半个汉堡包。This reservoir supplies water to half of Los Angeles.这个水库向半个洛杉矶供水。




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