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例句 The city has neglected the teacher shortage for too long.市政府长期以来对教师资源匮乏问题不予重视。The country is facing a skills shortage.该国技术人员匮乏Industry is facing a serious skills shortage.产业界正面临严重的技术人才匮乏局面。Lack of food had stunted his growth.食物的匮乏影响了他的发育。The farmers suffered a severe drought and there was a consequent shortage of food in the markets.农民遭受严重的干旱,结果造成市场上食品匮乏In the absence of stone, most houses in the area are built of wood.由于石料匮乏,这一地区的房子大多数都是用木头建造的。Facilities for people with disabilities are still insufficient.供伤残人士使用的设施仍然匮乏People in hospitals are dying because of shortage of medicine.由于药品匮乏,医院里的病人濒临死亡。This scarcity is inevitable in less developed countries.这一匮乏在欠发达国家不可避免。A factor limiting our country's economic performance is its lack of resources.阻碍我国经济发展的一个因素就是资源匮乏She became very depressed during the barren years when she was unable to paint.在无法作画、作品匮乏的那几年里,她变得非常消沉。A shortage of resources has led to a cutback.资源匮乏已导致减产。The energy shortages were exacerbated by the severe winter.严冬使能源匮乏的状况雪上加霜。Reliable data is sparse.可靠的数据匮乏There were food shortages and other deprivations during the Civil War.南北战争期间食品短缺,物资匮乏Water shortages in the area will be the main constraint on development.水资源匮乏将是制约该地区发展的一个主要因素。The country has suffered through long periods of economic privation.这个国家遭受了长时期的经济匮乏The lack of rain has hurt the corn crop.雨水匮乏影响了玉米产量。Lack of books was a major handicap.书籍匮乏是一大障碍。The proposals display a worrying poverty of ideas.这些建议显示出令人堪忧的思想匮乏The country is poor in natural resources.该国自然资源匮乏The scarcity of oil will undercut their competitive edge in the world market.石油匮乏会削弱他们在世界市场上的竞争优势。On the whole morale is high and the average soldier does not feel privation.总的来说,士气是高的,一般士兵并不感到生活必需品的匮乏The dearth of jobs in the city forced many families to leave the area.这个城市工作机会匮乏,很多家庭只得离开了。The end result of these changes will be more bureaucracy and fewer resources.这些变化最终将导致官僚主义更加严重以及资源进一步匮乏In times of austerity, cuts were made.在物资匮乏的年代削减了经费。The shortages presented a serious problem to the government. = The shortages presented the government with a serious problem.各种匮乏给政府造成了严重问题。The people refused to pay taxes to starve the government of funds.人民拒绝纳税以使政府资金匮乏Shortages of basic materials stifled economic growth.基本原料的匮乏抑制了经济发展。Why was military intelligence so lacking?为什么军事情报如此匮乏The city is now relatively quiet but there's palpable anger as people cope with shortages.现在这座城市比较安静,但却因物资匮乏而明显充斥着怒气。The labour shortage is becoming acute.劳动力匮乏愈演愈烈。Their economy continued to suffer shortages in raw materials.他们的经济仍存在原材料匮乏的问题。The water shortage in this country is potentially catastrophic.该国的水资源匮乏可能会带来灾难性的后果。




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