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词汇 balls
例句 The detective has to discover the motive, the means and the opportunity and has to keep these three balls in the air.那名侦探必须查明动机、手段和时机,而且对这三项的调查必须同步展开。It was a complete balls-up.这完全是一团糟。The detective has to discover the motive, the means, and the opportunity and has to keep these three balls in the air.侦探必须把作案动机、手段和时机调查清楚,三者缺一不可。When the mixture begins to solidify, shape it into balls.当混合物开始凝固时,把它捏成球状。Halve the melon, discard the seeds and scoop out as many melon balls as you can into a bowl.把瓜切成两半,丢掉瓜子,挖出尽可能多的瓜球放进碗里。The chicks were just balls of yellow fluff.那些小鸡还只是一个个黄色的绒毛球。They could hear the plunk of tennis balls.他们可以听到网球的砰砰声。She formed the dough into balls.她把生面团捏成一个个球团。You can't blackmail me, because you're involved too. I've got you by the balls.你可敲诈不了我,因为你也牵涉其中。我有你的把柄在手。Using a spoon, mould the cheese mixture into small balls.用勺子将奶酪混合物塑成小球状。Trust me to balls up the interview!我面试肯定会搞砸的!Shape the cookie dough into balls and put them in the refrigerator.把甜饼生面团做成球形,然后放在冰箱里面。Roll the dough into small balls.把面团搓成小丸子。The dough is shaped into balls and fried.面团揉成球后油炸。Shape the dough into small balls.把面团搓成小圆球。The chicks looked like little round balls of fluff.小鸡们看上去像滚圆的小绒球。He made a balls-up of everything and never got anything right.他把每件事都搞得一团糟,从来就没做对过。I never had the balls to do anything like this.我从来没胆量做这种事。You don't have the/enough balls to fight me.你没胆量跟我斗The festivities include parades, banquets, and balls.庆祝活动包括游行、宴会以及舞会。The company just won't be able to keep that many balls in the air.同时出现那么多的问题,公司根本招架不住。As the name suggests, a yarn winder is a device used to wind balls of yarn.正如其名字所表明的那样,绕纱机是把纱绕成纱球的机器。Local economists have looked into their crystal balls and seen something rather nasty.当地的经济学者们已经预见到会出现一些相当棘手的问题。The kids are playing balls.孩子们在打球。Tennis balls and oranges are round.网球和橘子是圆的。He kept fouling pitches/balls into the stands.他不断地把球打到看台上。For my next trick, I will make the balls disappear.我接下来要变的戏法是让球消失。She uses cotton balls to clean her face.她用棉球清洁脸部。When hedgehogs are in danger, they curl their bodies into tight balls.刺猬遇到危险时,就把身体紧紧蜷成一团。Place the balls of cookie dough on a baking sheet, and flatten each one with your hand.将球状的小甜饼生面团放在烤盘上,用手逐个压扁。Intense balls of flame rose up into the sky.炽热的火球冲上天空。To work on this show you've got to have balls.要参与这场表演,你得够胆量。I have no intention of letting you balls it up.我不想让你把这个搞砸了。The nest box contained two chicks: just small grey balls of fluff.窝里有两只雏鸟:看上去还只是两个灰色的毛球。The demolition work was going ahead with cranes and wrecker's balls.拆除工作正在使用吊车和球破碎机进行。I listened to the thwack of the metal balls.我听着金属球相撞的声音。Newly hatched chicks are like fluffy balls.刚孵出的小鸡像绒毛球。He's made a real balls-up of this.他把这个弄得一团糟。She kicked him in the balls.她一脚踢在了他的睾丸上I didn't think he'd have the balls to say that.我不认为他会有胆量那么说。




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