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词汇 ballot
例句 Chairman of the committee was elected by ballot.该委员会主任是投票选举的。He has already voted by absentee ballot.他已进行了缺席投票。Social change can be achieved through the ballot box.社会变革可以通过投票实现。Union leaders will now ballot their members with a view to ratifying the deal.为了使协议得到批准,工会领导将立刻在工会成员中间拉票。They had broadcast calls for voters to spoil their ballot papers.他们通过广播呼吁选民们投无效选票。Supporters have gathered more than enough signatures to put Fordham on the ballot.支持者征集了足够多的签名,推选福德姆。The jury cast their vote by secret ballot.陪审团以无记名投票的方式表决。Our candidate was defeated on the third ballot.本党候选人在第三轮选举中被击败。She scraped through to a second ballot.她勉强胜出,进入第二轮选举。The result of the ballot showed that nurses were not in favour of a strike.投票表决的结果表明护士不赞同罢工。They succeeded in putting Perot's name on the ballot in Florida.他们成功地把佩罗的名字列入了佛罗里达州的候选人名单。Martinez expressed confidence of victory at the ballot box.马丁内斯表示了对选举获胜的信心。They had not found any evidence of a systematic attempt to rig the ballot.他们没有发现任何证据表明有人有计划地操纵投票。The voters have expressed their views at the ballot box.选民以投票的方式表达了他们的意见。They completed the ballot count late last night.他们昨晚很晚才完成计票。The issue was on the ballot in November. 人们在十一月对这个问题进行了投票表决。Rumours of ballot rigging discouraged many from voting.选票舞弊的传闻一传出,许多人便打消了去投票的念头。The party made a strong bid to seize power at the ballot box.该党花了很大力气想通过选举夺取权力。Her name has been put on the ballot.她已被列为候选人。I cast my ballot for the new candidate.我投了新候选人一票The union decided to ballot its members on the issue.工会决定让会员就这件事进行无记名投票。Her name wasn't on the ballot, but several hundred voters wrote her in.她的名字不在选票上,但是数百名选民把她的名字写在了选票上。The union said they will ballot members on whether to strike.工会称他们将要求会员投票表决是否罢工。The result showed he had polled enough votes to force a second ballot.结果显示,他已获得了足够把对手拖入二次投票的票数。He publicly attacked the people who've been calling for secret ballot nominations.他公开抨击了那些主张用不记名投票方式确定任命人选的人。They had already voted for him at the first ballot.在第一次投票选举时,他们已经投票给他了。The secret ballot was an important vehicle for freer elections.无记名投票是更自由选举的重要手段。The Leader of the House will be selected by secret ballot.议长将通过无记名投票选出。The election was a sham. Officials intimidated peasants into voting for the government candidates, or simply stuffed the ballot boxes.选举是骗人的,当官的威胁农民投政府候选人的票或者只是把选票塞满投票箱而已。The ballot was re-run on Mr Todd's insistence after accusations of malpractice.因被控舞弊,在托德先生的坚持下重新进行了投票。Since she supported none of the candidates, she spoiled her ballot paper.几个候选人她哪个都不支持,因此她把选票作废了。They reformed the voting system, and introduced a secret ballot.他们改革了选举制度,引进无记名投票法。The result of the ballot will not be known for two weeks.投票表决结果要在两周后才能知道。The union already has a mandate from its conference to ballot for a strike .工会已经得到大会的授权为罢工进行投票。They voted against him at the second ballot.他们在第二轮投票中给他投了反对票。A secret ballot of those in dispute must now take place before industrial action is allowed.现在劳工行动获准之前必须先由发生纠纷的各方进行无记名投票表决。I voted for her on the first ballot.我在第一轮投票中给她投了赞成票。They are determined to win power through the ballot box, not by violence.他们决心通过投票选举来获得权力,而不是用暴力。The people have expressed their views through the ballot box.人们通过投票的方式表达了自己的意见。From now on, they would pursue their goals through the ballot box.从现在开始,他们将通过民主投票法来达到自己的目标。




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