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词汇 ball out
例句 He booted the ball out of the goal.他把球踢出球门。She snatched the ball out of the air and ran down the court.她在空中接住球,沿着球场跑起来。He kicked the ball out of play.他把球踢出界外。He deliberately put the ball out of play.他故意把球踢出界。The batter knocked the ball out of the park.击球手把球击出球场。There is no penalty if the quarterback deliberately throws the ball out of bounds for the purpose of stopping play.如果四分卫为了停止比赛故意将球掷出边线不会受罚。He snatched the ball out of my hand.他把球从我手里抢走了。He walloped the ball out of the park.他把球猛击出公园。The goalkeeper spent a lot of his time picking the ball out of the back of the net.守门员花了很长时间把球从网窝里捡出来。The player pitched the ball out of the court.这位选手把球投出了球场。Too many golfers try to bash the ball out of sand. That spells disaster.太多高尔夫球手都想把球从沙子里敲出来,结果酿成了一场灾难。He hit the ball out of the park.他把球打出了球场。He swatted the tennis ball out of bounds.他把网球击出界外了。If a player on one side kicks the ball out, the other side gets a free turn at the ball.如果一方球员将球踢出界外,则由另一方发任意球。




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