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词汇 化名
例句 Roberts is known to use a number of aliases, including Bill Smith, Paul Williams, and even Count Von Blixenburg.据知罗伯茨用过许多化名,包括比尔·史密斯、保罗·威廉斯,甚至冯·布利克森堡伯爵。He traveled under an assumed name. 他旅行的时候用的是化名For his own safety, he has to operate under a false name/an alias.为了自身安全,他不得不使用假名/化名After her escape from prison she adopted the alias Daryl Crowe.她越狱后化名达里尔・克罗。One of their informers was working under the code name Czerny.他们的一名线人用车尔尼作化名He went by the name of Baker to avoid discovery by the police.为逃避警方的耳目,他化名贝克。The files indicate that Smith is an alias for Simpson.从档案里可以看出史密斯是辛普森的化名Bowring has written under the alias of Pentatonik.鲍林用彭特托尼克的化名写作。The articles were published in San Francisco newspapers under the assumed name of Dorothy Dodge.这些发表在旧金山报纸上的文章都出自一个化名为多萝西·道奇的人之手。She registered at the hotel under/using a false/assumed name.在旅馆登记时她用了个化名By the tacit consent of everyone, his incognito has been respected.在大家的默许下,他的化名身份得到了尊重。




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