例句 |
Eric left the barge in a hurry.埃里克匆忙离开了驳船。She dropped the phone and fled from the office.她摔下电话,匆忙离开了办公室。They sure left in a hurry!他们肯定是匆忙离开的!He dashed away from the cricket club when he found out that his wife had gone into labour.他发现妻子开始阵痛,便匆忙离开了板球俱乐部。I made a hasty exit and managed to open the gate.我匆忙离开并设法打开了大门。He hurried precipitately away.他突然匆忙离开。He nearly stumbled in his hurry to get away.他匆忙离开时差点绊倒。 |