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例句 The students might respond better if the teacher eased up on them a little.如果老师对他们包容一点,学生们可能回答得更好。The school has a strong culture of inclusion of students with special needs.这所学校有一种很强的包容有特殊需求学生的文化。That one picture speaks volumes. Or rather lies volumes.仅那一张图画传达了卷帙浩繁的内容,说得确切一点,是包容了无数的谎言。He's an old grouch but she puts up with him.他是个喜欢抱怨的老头,但是她对他很包容The people in the community are tolerant of each other's differences.社区的人们互相包容彼此的不同之处。Some people say schools need to teach tolerance of alternative lifestyles.有些人说,学校需要教学生包容非传统生活方式。Tolerance is an essential ingredient for a happy marriage.包容是幸福婚姻的一个基本要素。He argued that equal marriage legislation would create a more tolerant society.他的观点是婚姻平权立法将帮助建立一个更加包容的社会。The Conservative Party is a broad church.保守党是个包容各种不同政见的组织。Greater cultural diversity has led to a more cosmopolitan attitude among the town's younger generations.更多的文化多样性使得镇上年轻一代的态度更为包容The Labour Party has to be a broad church.工党必须能海纳百川,包容各种观点。The bishop helped foster the sense of a community embracing all classes.主教促使这一观念得到宣扬,即社会要包容各个阶层。She had listened tolerantly to his jumbled account.她一直包容地听着他语无伦次的描述。Billy is on the side of the angels when it comes to racial tolerance.说起种族间的包容,比利可真是宅心仁厚。Her new-found tolerance does not extend to single mothers.她近来培养出一颗包容之心,可是对单身母亲仍然谈不上宽容。




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