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词汇 joining
例句 His son Mark will be joining him in the new venture.他儿子马克将与他一起经营这家新企业。They are leading/joining the fight against cancer.他们在引领/参与抗击癌症的斗争。He straightened out after joining the army.他参军后,人就变好了。Since joining the team last year, he has become our most consistent performer.自去年入队以来,他已经成为我们这里最坚持不懈的表演者。After joining the newspaper, she quickly distinguished herself with a series of hard-hitting exposés.她加入报社后,以一连串直击要害的揭露性文章而声名鹊起。Peasants were lured into joining the People's Army by the promises of large sums of money for their families.农民们听信可为家人挣到一大笔钱的许诺而受诱惑参加了人民军。There has been a decline in the number of people joining the priesthood.从事神职工作的人数减少了。They may well decide that their interests would be best served by joining in.他们很有可能认定参与其中才会令其利益最大化。The clubs have been promised huge financial rewards for joining the league.这些俱乐部得到承诺,加入联盟后将获得巨额收益。Alf said joining the club would take me out of myself.阿尔夫说加入俱乐部会让我摆脱烦恼。He is joining our team on loan this season.他这个赛季被我们球队借用。His friends press-ganged him into joining the committee.他的朋友强迫他加入委员会。He tried to fire her into joining his applause, but she wouldn't.他试图激得她跟他一起鼓掌,可她不干。They gained a tactical advantage by joining with one of their competitors.他们与一个竞争对手联手,从而在策略上抢占了先机。The Social Democrats say they are ready after all to begin talks on joining a coalition government.社会民主党人竟然说他们准备开始谈判加入联合政府了。He is still hesitating about joining the expedition.他对于是否参加探险队还举棋不定。The hazards of the theatre seemed preferable to joining the family paint business.经营剧院的风险似乎比加入家族涂料产业的风险要小一些。No-one thought they would make him manager so soon after joining the company.没有人想到他们在他加入公司后没多久就提升他为经理。She was prodded into joining the team.她被劝说加入了这个团队。I'm thinking of joining a choir.我正在考虑加入合唱队。He met all the health qualifications for joining the army.他具备入伍所需的一切健康条件。His cover was that he was an ordinary fan interested in joining the gang.他的借口是他只是个喜欢加入帮派的普通球迷而已。You can enjoy a sport without joining a club or belonging to a team.不加盟俱乐部或球队也可以享受体育运动的乐趣。He wound up his business and personal affairs before joining the army.他把公私事务料理妥帖后才去参军。The doctor talked to students who are thinking about entering/joining the profession.医生与正考虑加入这个行业的学生们谈话。I did not feel like joining in the gaieties of the New Year season.我不想参加新年里的娱乐活动。I was talked into joining the class.我被说服进了这个班。He cannot be dismissed for joining a union.他不能因加入工会而被解雇。It has a dormer roof joining both gable ends.带天窗的斜屋顶连接着两边的山墙。He gave me a long spiel about the benefits of joining the club.他跟我说了一大堆加入俱乐部的好处。This is another example of the big companies joining together to stomp on small businesses.这是大公司联合起来挤垮小企业的又一个例子。Within six years of joining the company he was Managing Director.他进公司不到六年就当了总经理。Draw a straight line joining these two points.画一条直线连接这两点。Two years after joining the police force, he was put in charge of the department's records.他加入警察部队两年后,被调去负责部门的档案记录。Ihave no intention whatever of joining such a foolish enterprise.我没有加入这样一个愚蠢企业的任何想法。The new actress joining the troupe is a seasoned performer.新加入剧团的女演员是经验丰富的表演者。The country is still pursuing its aim of joining the EU.该国仍在努力实现加入欧盟的目标。They were blocked from joining the club.他们被阻加入该俱乐部。They were kept in suspense about joining the expedition for several weeks.他们焦急地等待了好几个星期,不知道能否参加探险。Councils are joining up with their European counterparts.这些委员会将与欧洲的委员会结成联盟。




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