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词汇 joins
例句 Do you know the highway to Tulsa? The airport road joins it.你知道去塔尔萨的高速路吗?去机场的路和它交会。Once a supplier joins the network, its shipping systems are integrated with the others.一旦供应商加入该网络,其运输系统就与其他供应商合成一体。The conjunctiva joins the eye to the lid.结膜将眼球与眼睑连在一起。Sarah Davis now joins us from our Glasgow studios.萨拉·戴维斯现在从我们在格拉斯哥的演播室参与到我们的节目中来。The head joins on the rest of the toy with wire.玩具的头部与其余部分由金属线相连。Now that their children have grown up she joins Paddy in London every other week.他们的孩子都长大了,她便每隔一周就到伦敦帕迪那里。He joins our panel of journalists.他加入了我们的记者团。The presentation binds/joins/lumps/ties together several concepts.这个展示把几个概念整合到一起。Ismailis believe that a bloodline joins the Aga Khan to Mohammed.伊斯玛仪派穆斯林相信阿迦汗和穆罕穆德属于同一血统。This path joins the highway up ahead.这条路在前面与公路相接。The Missouri joins the Mississippi at St Louis.密苏里河在圣路易斯与密西西比河汇合。The Monongahela River joins the Allegheny River in Pittsburgh.莫农加希拉河在匹兹堡与阿勒格尼河汇合。A long suspension bridge joins the two islands.一座长长的吊桥将两个岛屿连接起来。Everyone here joins me in congratulating you on a job well done!我和在场各位一道祝贺你出色完成工作!The earth revolves around the axis that joins the North and South Poles.地球围绕贯穿南北两极的地轴自转。The joins can hardly be seen.接缝几乎看不出来。My wife joins me in thanking you for the gift.我和我的妻子都谢谢你的礼物。My wife joins me in saying hello to you.我妻子嘱笔向你问好。The track joins the main road just south of the town.小路在小镇的南面和大路相连。The Chancellor says that five conditions have to be met before the UK joins the Euro.财政大臣称,英国加入欧元区之前必须满足五个条件。Everybody joins in the handclaps, clapping on the offbeat.每个人都跟着在弱拍上拍手。My husband joins me in offering our sincere sympathy to you and to Susan at this sad time.我和我丈夫在这伤心的时刻向你和苏珊表示诚挚的慰问。Finally we arrived at Dartmouth, where the River Dart joins the sea.最后我们到达了达特茅斯,达特河在那里汇入大海。I'm sure everyone joins me in wishing Caroline and David a long and happy marriage.我肯定大家会和我一起祝愿卡罗琳和戴维婚姻地久天长,幸福美满。Do you know the highway to Tulsa? The airport road joins it.你知道通向塔尔萨的公路吗?去机场的路和它交会。




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