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词汇 勋章
例句 He put on his full-dress uniform complete with medals and insignia.他穿上了佩有勋章和徽章的军礼服。She has received/won many honors and awards for her charitable works.她的慈善工作为她赢得了许多勋章和奖励。The soldier proudly wore his ribbons and medals.那名士兵骄傲地佩戴着他的绥带和勋章The public will be able to nominate candidates for awards such as the MBE.公众将可以推荐诸如英帝国勋章之类的奖项的候选人。Among the protesters and war veterans proudly displaying their medals was Aubrey Rose.在抗议者和骄傲地展示勋章的退伍老兵中,就有奥布里·罗斯。You deserve a medal for putting up with Ian's constant demands.你能忍耐伊恩没完没了的要求,真该得一枚勋章He was hailed as a hero, mentioned in dispatches and finally given a medal.他被誉为英雄,得到了通报表彰,最后还获得了一枚勋章She deserves a medal for putting up with him.冲着她对他的这份容忍,真应该给她颁发一枚勋章The general wore a uniform dripping with decorations.将军穿著缀满勋章的制服。The Queen recognized his services to his country by awarding him an MBE.女王授予她大英帝国员佐勋章,以表彰她对国家的贡献。He was himself decorated for valour in the war.他自己因在战争中的英勇表现而获得了勋章They were awarded medals in recognition of their bravery.他们被授予了勋章,以表彰他们的英勇行为。It requires some pains to spell out those decorations.琢磨出那些勋章表彰的是什么要花很大的力气。The wounded man was awarded a Purple Heart.这位伤员被授予了紫心勋章He narrowly defines a hero as someone who has earned a medal in battle.他把英雄狭隘地界定为在战斗中荣获勋章的人。He was awarded several military decorations.他被授予了多枚军功勋章The soldier wore a decoration on his left breast.这名士兵在左胸佩一枚勋章Sean had received numerous decorations, including the Purple Heart.肖恩获得过很多奖章,包括紫心勋章It is decorous to wear all one's decorations on an occasion like this.在这样的场合佩戴全部勋章是得体的。The government recognized his outstanding service by giving him a medal.政府为他颁赠勋章,以表彰他的卓著功绩。He was awarded several medals for gallantry in battle.他因作战英勇被授予多枚勋章He has been made an MBE in the New Year Honours list.他被列入新年受勋者名册,获授英帝国勋章Her efforts were rewarded with a medal.勋章是对她的努力的奖赏。His father was a military man all the way and had a chestful of decorations to prove it.他父亲是个十足的军人,满胸勋章可资证明。He was awarded a medal after rescuing his comrades.他在救出战友后被授予了一枚勋章They will strike a medal in memory of the great victory.他们将为纪念这一伟大胜利铸造一枚勋章The General pinned on the medals.那位将军胸前别了很多勋章John Tucker was made an OBE in the Queen's birthday honours.约翰·塔克在女王生日封号典礼上成为一名获得英帝国勋章的军官。Medals are usually worn only on ceremonial occasions.勋章通常只在仪式上佩戴。




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