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词汇 advances
例句 The design incorporates the most recent technological advances.这一设计融合了最新的科技成果。The policy has opened the doors to advances in technology.这项政策已为技术发展开了大门。Amanda had rejected his amorous advances.阿曼达拒绝了他的求爱。The country has made great advances since independence.该国自独立以来发展迅速。Technological advances are now such that computers can calculate infinitely complicated problems.现在,技术的进步是如此之大,计算机可以计算无限复杂的问题。Increasing world affluence advances in parallel with a decreasing requirement to work.在世界日益富裕的同时,要求人们做的工作日渐减少。Her unfriendly look discourages advances.她冷漠的神情让别人不敢向她示爱。The past decade has witnessed many new advances in medical research. 过去的十年医学研究有了许多新进展。Mark had for some time been making advances towards her.马克追她已经有一段时间了。This is not intended to disparage the advances in communications.这并不是要贬低通信事业方面的发展。Many technological advances/developments/changes in medicine have taken place over the past decade.十年来医学技术有了很大进步/发展/变化。A number of recent advances hold out if not the hope of a cure, then at least the possibility of some drug which could stop the spread of the virus.近来的一些进展即使不能提供治愈的希望,也至少有望研制出来某种药物来阻止病毒的传播。Technological advances could ultimately lead to even more job losses.技术进步最终会导致更多的失业。It was under the emperor Justinian that these advances were made.这些进步是在查士丁尼皇帝的统治下取得的。My main reason for subscribing to New Scientist is to keep abreast of advances in science.我订阅《新科学家》主要是为了了解科学的最新进展。Most research proceeds by small incremental advances.大多数的研究是渐进式的。With the arrival of scientific advances, we have discovered the causes of most diseases.随着科学的进步,我们已经发现了大多数疾病的病因。The female spider often reacts fiercely to the male's advances.对于公蜘蛛的求爱,母蜘蛛常有凶猛的反应。She rejected his advances during the trip to Cannes.在去往戛纳的途中,她拒绝了他的挑逗。Even small advances are welcome in a profession where progress often seems glacial.在一个发展常常慢如蜗牛的职业领域,即便是一些小进步,也是受到欢迎的。A researcher from our division gave a talk today about recent advances in cancer treatment.我们部门的一名研究员今天作了有关癌症治疗最新发展的报告。Technology advances by fits and starts.技术进步断断续续。Dr Martineau had written an article about advances in medicine over the last five years.马蒂诺博士写了一篇文章,内容是关于过去五年里的医学进展。Her research prepared the way for later advances in cancer treatment.她的研究为后来癌症治疗的进展铺平了道路。Military technology advances by fits and starts.军事技术总是间断性地进步着。He did not respond to her advances.他对她的友好表示无动于衷。She repelled his advances.她对他的挑逗不予理睬。The last decade saw many technological advances.近十年来有许多技术在进步。There have been great advances in the treatment of cancer.癌症治疗有了很大的进展。He made amorous advances to one of his students.他对自己的一个学生进行了性挑逗。The magazine's chief function is to keep the medical profession up to date with the latest advances and drugs.这本杂志的主要作用是让医学界掌握有关医疗技术和药物的最新信息。Technical advances improve productivity.技术进步提高生产力。As regards a cure for the disease, very few advances have been made.至于这种疾病的治疗,进展甚微。He made unwelcome sexual advances towards her.他对她进行了性骚扰。She rejected his unwelcome advances.她拒绝了他的勾引,让他碰了一鼻子灰。He is making advances towards the coquettish Letitia.他正在勾引卖弄风情的利蒂希亚。It was a hard struggle with him to make new advances.对他来说要取得新的进展是一场艰苦的斗争。In spite of all its advances, medical science still knows little about the brain.医学尽管取得了这么大的进步,但是对大脑仍然知之甚少。He is accused of making unwelcome sexual advances to female coworkers.他被指控对女同事性挑逗。Former staff members have accused the senator of making uninvited sexual advances.那位参议员的前雇员们控告其挑逗勾引。




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