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例句 Would you like some mustard on your hot dog?你的热狗上要加点芥末酱吗?I use lavender oil in my bath to relax me.洗澡时我在浴缸里加点薰衣草油来放松自己。Try adding cornflour to thicken the sauce a bit.试着往酱里加点玉米粉,让它变稠点。Do you think this soup wants a bit of salt?你觉得这汤里要不要加点盐?Add more paper to the paper tray and continue printing.往盛纸盘里多加点纸,继续打印。Add more honey if you have a sweet tooth.如果你喜欢吃甜的就多加点蜂蜜。If the mixture seems dry, add water.如果混合物看上去干,加点水。Would you like a little ice cream with your pie?你吃馅饼要加点冰淇淋吗?You can cheat by adding a little flour.你可以加点面粉以假乱真。Ring the changes by adding spices, dried fruit or olives.加点香料、干果或橄榄以换换口味。You need to add more vinegar, OK?你需要多加点醋,明白吗?A little vinegar will take off the oily taste.加点醋可以去掉油味。You might try a little more basil in the sauce next time.下次你可以试着在调味汁里多加点罗勒。Would you like more stuffing?你想要再加点馅吗?Thicken the mixture with flour.加点面粉把混合物弄稠。We'll try to add a little zip to the usual recipe.我们打算想办法在日常菜谱的做法上加点花样。Salt the stock to your taste and leave it simmering very gently.根据自己的口味给原汤加点盐,然后用文火慢炖。Add in a little milk to bind the mixture.加点牛奶,让混合物粘合在一起。You need a bit of cold water in there to make it comfortable. Not too cold, mind.你需要在那里面加点凉水,这样就会舒服些。注意不要太凉。If you don't mind me saying (so), I think the soup needs a little more salt.如果你不介意的话,我认为汤里需要多加点盐。The roof may need extra support.屋顶可能需要再加点支撑。This might need some salt and pepper.这里面也许要加点盐和胡椒粉。If the sauce is bland, add a little more vinegar.如果调味汁太淡就再加点醋。I think you need to add a little more salt.我觉得你需要再加点盐。The strawberries are a little sour - you may need to put sugar on them.草莓有点酸,可能需要在上面加点糖。Add some salt, but just a dash.加点盐,但只需少许。Add some wine to the gravy.请在肉汁里加点酒。Add a dash of soy sauce for that authentic Chinese taste.加点酱油,变成那种正宗的中国风味。This pizza needs more sauce.这块比萨饼需要再加点酱。More pancakes, please, and don't spare the syrup. 请再来些烤饼,多给我加点糖浆。You might need some sugar on the rhubarb - it's a little tart.大黄茎上可能要加点糖——这东西有点儿酸。If the dough is sticky, add more flour.如果面团太黏,就再加点面粉。Just add water to the cake mix.只要往蛋糕混合料里加点水就行了。Add more water to get a thinner batter.再多加点水,让面糊更稀些。Prepare the garnishes shortly before you are ready to serve the soup.在快要准备上汤前再在上面加点装饰菜。The soup needs a little more spice.汤里需要再加点调料。You need to pepper the stew more.你需要给炖菜再加点胡椒粉。Would you like some butter for your potato?你的土豆要加点黄油吗?Sweeten the mixture with a little honey.往混合料里加点蜂蜜。The soup needs some salt. 这汤要加点盐。




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