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词汇 face to face
例句 We were standing face to face.我们面对面站着。When she visited the school she was brought face to face with the problems encountered by teachers every day.参观学校时,她面对的是老师每天都要遇到的问题。At the novel's climax, the main character finds herself face to face with the thief.在小说的高潮阶段,女主人公与小偷正面交锋。She has suddenly come face to face with her own mortality.她突然要面对自己的死亡。It would be better if we talked face to face.要是我们面对面地交谈,那会更好些。Her work brings her face to face with human suffering.她的工作使她不得不直接面对人类的苦难。Victims who go to court dread coming face to face with their attacker again.告上法庭的受害者害怕与侵犯他的人再次面对面。It is imperative to meet face to face with the client.必须面对面接触客户。We were strolling into the town when we came face to face with Jacques DuBois.我们信步向镇子走去,迎面碰上雅克·杜波依斯。I stuck my head out of my tent, and came face to face with a cow.我将脑袋探出帐篷,与一头牛面面相对。I was gradually being brought face to face with the fact that I had very little success.我渐渐开始面对这个事实,那就是我几乎一事无成。His eyes darted from face to face.他的目光从他们的脸上一一扫过。It avoided so many of the occasions for awkwardness that seemed to occur when they were face to face.这避免了很多让他们面对面的场合,免去了尴尬。They were sitting face to face.他们正面对面坐着。The two leaders met face to face for about two hours with interpreters.两位领导人在翻译的陪同下直接会晤了约两小时。She pushed her way through the mob and confronted him face to face.她挤过骚动的人群和他迎面相对。Turning the corner I came face to face with a security guard.拐过街角,我和一个警卫撞了个正着。At the climactic moment, the main character of the novel finds herself face to face with the thief.在小说的高潮阶段,女主人公与小偷正面交锋。They stood face to face, each struggling to control his temper.他们面对面站着,大家都在拼命地忍住不发脾气。The senator cannot meet every voter face to face, but he is certainly doing his best.参议员无法与每一位选民亲自见面,但他无疑正竭尽所能。I decided to speak to him face to face.我决定当面跟他说。I've never met her face to face.我从来没有和她见过面。At that moment he came face to face with Sergeant Burke.那个时候他迎面碰上了伯克中士。Eventually, he came face to face with discrimination again.最终,他又一次遭到歧视。They will debate face to face.他们将当面进行辩论。We sat face to face across a narrow table.我们面对面坐在一张窄窄的桌子旁。Sometimes one is brought face to face with facts which cannot be ignored.有时候,一个人得面对一些不能忽视的事实。I've spoken with him on the phone but I've never met him face to face. 我和他通过电话,但我们从未见过面。She came face to face with death. 她差点送了命。I've never been face to face with him before.我以前从未和他见过面。In business, it is important to network with as many people as possible on a face to face basis.在生意场上,通过与尽可能多的人面对面地打交道来建立工作关系很重要。The actors were face to face with real flames.这些演员眼前是真正的火焰。




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