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词汇 faces
例句 The country faces a huge task of national reconstruction following the war.战后,该国面临着重建家园的艰巨任务。The hostage crisis underlined an embarrassing problem that the government faces.人质危机使政府面临的困窘问题更为突出。He'd a good memory for faces, and he was sure he hadn't seen her before.他对别人的长相过目不忘,他确信自己以前没有见过她。Their faces suddenly grew solemn.他们的脸突然变得严肃起来。A stepfamily faces all the problems that a normal family has, with a set of additional problems on top…再婚家庭会面临正常家庭的所有问题,外加一堆额外难题。The children's faces are out of focus in the photograph.照片中孩子们的脸照得很模糊。Tonight he faces the most redoubtable opponent of his boxing career.今晚他面对的是他拳击生涯中最强大的对手。Tourists pressed their faces against the palace railings.游客们把脸紧贴在宫殿栅栏的栏杆上。She could see inquisitive faces looking out from the windows next door.她可以看到一张张好奇的面孔从隔壁房子的窗户里向外观望。I was out working in the garden while you lot were feeding your faces!我在外面园子里干活,而你们统统在大吃大喝!Sunlight gilded the children's faces.孩子们的脸庞在阳光下熠熠生辉。The accused faces an agonizing wait while the jury considers its verdict.陪审团作裁断期间,被告面临痛苦的等待。He faces charges of child abduction.他面临诱拐儿童的指控。I noticed several unfamiliar faces in the meeting room.我注意到会议室里有好几张新面孔。The smiling faces were a good omen for the future of the restaurant.那些满带微笑的脸预示了这家餐厅美好的未来。The family now faces eviction from their home.这家人现正面临被赶出家门。Galton created composite pictures in which different faces were superimposed over one another.高尔顿制作的合成照片是由不同的头像叠印而成的。Our team will include some familiar faces as well as a few newcomers.我们的队里将有一些是熟悉的面孔,也有一些新来的人。The room faces west.这个房间朝西。He faces growing unease among the Democrats about the likelihood of war.他面临民主党内对可能出现的战事不断滋长的不满情绪。The country faces economic meltdown.国家面临着经济崩溃。The film faces stiff competition for the Best Film nomination.这部电影在角逐最佳影片提名时面临着激烈的竞争。The window faces outward toward the street.窗户朝外临街。The president faces a strong challenge from nationalists.总统面临民族主义者的强烈质疑。It's always the same old faces.总是那些老面孔。The calm on their faces seemed almost divine.他们脸上看上去带着近乎神明般的镇定。Moonlight came in through the curtains, lighting up the children's sleeping faces.月光透过窗帘,照在孩子们熟睡的脸上。He faces a grim fate if he is sent back to his own country.如果他被遣送回国,他的命运将会很悲惨。I have a good memory for faces.我很善于记人的长相。He looked down at row upon row of eager faces.他向下看见一排排表情热切的面孔。The frigid gusts of wind stung their faces.阵阵寒风刺痛了他们的脸庞。They washed their faces and went to bed.他们洗过脸后上床睡觉去了。She faces a murder rap for the death of her boyfriend.她面临谋杀男友的指控。A terrible wind whipped our faces.狂风抽打着我们的脸。The UN Peacekeeping Force faces an almost impossible task.联合国维和部队面临一个几乎不可能完成的任务。Their faces were bloodied and bruised.他们满脸是血和瘀伤。A look of disbelief spread across/over their faces.他们的脸上露出不信任的神色。Their faces are expressionless.他们面无表情。He has an excellent memory for faces. 他很善于记住人的面孔。A long French liner slipped majestically by with a mixture of European and Asian faces staring curiously from the decks.一艘长长的法国客船姿态庄严地迅速开过,甲板上一张张欧洲人的、亚洲人的脸好奇地向外张望着。




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