例句 |
California, by a narrow margin, swung into the Republican column.共和党以微弱的多数赢得了加利福尼亚州。Tom passed the examination by a narrow margin.汤姆考试勉强及格。Winning by a narrow margin, the Lakers now go on to play in the championships.湖人队险胜之后,继而在总决赛中打下去。They won by a narrow margin.他们以微弱优势险胜。Uruguayans voted by a narrow margin in a national plebiscite to uphold an amnesty.乌拉圭人在公民投票中以微弱的优势通过了特赦决议。We won the debate by a narrow margin.这场辩论我们勉强取胜。He passed the exam by a narrow margin.他勉强通过考试。 |