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词汇 办事
例句 We acted upon his instructions.我们根据他的指示办事The power to legislate resides with the people who may elect representatives to act on their behalf.立法权属于有资格选出代表来为他们办事的人民。You have to learn to follow directions. 你必须要学会按说明办事You can't beat the system.你必须按规矩办事Unhappy tourists have pointed the finger at unhelpful travel agents.不满的游客纷纷指责旅游代办人办事不力。The initial image projected was of a caring, effective president.最初呈现出的是一个充满爱心、办事有效的总统形象。His dealings are not quite square.办事路子不太正。I do things by the rule book.我按规则办事A good secretary needs to be efficient, and above all diplomatic.一个好秘书要工作效率高,最重要的是要能够说话办事得体。You'll make mistakes if you do things in too much of a hurry.办事太仓促会出错的。She's a very methodical person.她是个办事很有条理的人。They acted maturely and responsibly.他们办事老练,且有责任心。We always trust in her cautiousness.我们对她办事谨慎一向是信赖的。I don't hold with the way they do things nowadays.我不赞成他们现在的办事方式。She's very efficient - the kind of person you want to do business with.办事很有效率—是那种你愿意与之做生意的人。She went off on some errand.办事去了。A minority of officers were prepared to bend the rules.少数官员准备不按规定办事Ted was friendly but businesslike and very much in charge.特德为人和善,但是办事利落,管理有方。I'm not asking anyone to bend the rules, I just want justice to be done.我不是要求有人能够通融,我只要求公平办事Doing things in multiples becomes a necessity in a land where space is at a premium.在土地奇缺的地方就必须充分利用空间成倍地办事They don't understand the way he does things.他们不理解他办事的方式。See what I mean? Every time she calls me up she wants me to do something for her.我说的没错吧? 她每次给我打电话都是要我给她办事He seldom yielded to the dictates of the heart.他难得按心愿办事Are you in Chicago for business or pleasure?你在芝加哥办事还是游玩?Sending me on errands was just a ploy to get me out of the house for a while.让我出去办事不过是为了暂时把我从房间里支开。My lawyer always goes strictly by the book.我的律师一贯严守规矩办事He may have to become more conformist if he is to prosper again.要想再现辉煌,他可能得更多地依照习惯办事We need to adopt more modern methods of doing things.我们需要采用更加现代的办事方法。Because Henry hated to delegate, he was always overworked.由于亨利不喜欢授权下属办事,所以他自己总是劳累过度。His abrasive approach will ruffle a few feathers.他粗鲁的办事方式会激怒一些人。An example of her modus operandi was provided during a terse exchange with the defendant.与被告的简短交流体现了她独特的办事方式。I was amazed at his speed of working.办事之麻利让我深感叹服。Robson was trying to be as diplomatic as possible - he didn't want to risk losing a promotion.罗布森说话办事尽量圆滑—他不想冒险失去升职的机会。It might speed things up if you call them.你给他们打电话也许可以加快办事速度。Bureaucracy is always slow.官僚主义办事总是拖拖拉拉。Jason, with his no-nonsense approach, has been an asset to the project.贾森办事干脆利落,对这个项目来说是个人才。Let your conscience guide you.你要凭良心办事We need to keep standards up.我们需要坚持按规定办事By aptitude, personality, and work he is obviously slated to go up.他有才能,人品好,办事勤奋,显然定会步步高升。I'm sure it will be a fantastic wedding. Eva never does anything by halves.我肯定婚礼一定会办得非常出色。伊娃办事从不马虎。




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