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Lukaku used his strength to hold up the ball, giving Baines time to sprint downfield in support.卢卡库凭着强壮的身体把球控制住,让巴恩斯有时间冲到前场提供支持。The quarterback looped a pass downfield.四分卫传出前场弧线球。The goalkeeper places the ball and boots it upfield to the outside left.守门员把球放好,一脚猛踢到前场给左边锋。He needs to have better consistency throwing downfield.他的前场投掷需要保持更好的稳定性。Some midfielders play deep, having a more defensive role, while others go forward.一些中场队员在己方后场运球,兼具防守功能,另一些的位置则更靠前场。The quarterback faked a handoff and then threw a pass downfield.这个四分卫假装要手递手传球,接着就把球扔传向了前场。 |