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例句 She prefers to stay in detention rather than be released and go into exile.她更愿意呆在拘留所而不是被释放然后开始流亡生活。Fran released the catch on the door, then turned to say goodbye.弗兰拉开门闩,然后转身说再见。The prisoners were released from captivity.囚犯们被释放了。The government released him as a gesture of goodwill.政府释放他示好。The panel released audio tapes of the attack.小组公布了袭击事件录音带。The commander and some of the men had been released.指挥官和一些士兵已经获释。His new film will be released in the autumn.他的新电影将于秋季上映。Clayton will be released on Tuesday after serving seven years, prison officials said.监狱的官员说克莱顿已服刑七年,将于星期二获释。The surgery released him from years of pain.手术使他摆脱了多年的病痛。The hostages were released unharmed some time afterwards.过了一段时间之后,人质安然获释。The group's new video will be released next month.这个音乐组合的新录像将在下个月发行。Supporters have vowed to continue the protest until Adams is released.支持者立誓一直抗议到亚当斯获释。Managers have released few details from yesterday's meeting.经理对昨天的会议没有透露任何的细节。Sulphur dioxide is one of several pollutants that are released into the atmosphere by coal-fired power stations.二氧化硫是火力发电站排放到大气中的若干污染物之一。She was released from prison in a cloak and dagger operation yesterday.在昨天的一次秘密行动中她从监狱获释。The song was released as a single before the album came out.这首歌曲在专辑推出前已经作为单曲发行过了。He released his claim to the property.他放弃了对财产的要求。She was released from hospital yesterday after having her stomach pumped.她昨天洗胃后就出院了。The government has released its review.政府已发布综合报告。This means that less carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere.这意味着释放到大气中的二氧化碳将减少。The camera's shutter will stay open until the button is released.松开按钮后,照相机快门才会关闭。The girls should be released from captivity immediately.那些女孩子应当马上被解禁释放。A prospectus will be released next month.详细说明将在下个月发布。He was released from prison on humanitarian grounds.出于人道主义原因他获释出狱。He released his hold on the camera.他松手放开了照相机。The film was finally released after weeks of protest by religious groups.在宗教组织抗议数周后,电影终于发行了。The government has released its new terrorist watch list.政府发布了新的恐怖分子监控名单。The new version is expected to be released shortly.新版本有望不久发布。All the films released this summer have been box-office bummers.今年夏天上映的电影都不卖座。He was not expected to be released because he was considered a valuable chip in this game.他不可能获得释放,因为他在这场游戏中被视为非常有价值的筹码。The machine will stop immediately once the lever is released.一松开操纵杆,机器就会马上停下来。There's little chance of the hostages being released.人质被释放的希望很渺茫。The report was released for publication only this week.这份报告是本星期才公开发表的。The prisoner was released on parole.罪犯被提前释放了。They were released under an amnesty.他们是根据大赦令而获释的。Mrs Davis was released from detention yesterday and all charges have been dropped.昨天戴维斯夫人从狱中获释,所有指控都已撤消。He was released without charge.他被无罪释放了。The hostages were released unconditionally.人质被无条件释放了。The US gave a warning that, if the hostages were not released, they would be forced to take military action.美国警告说,要是不释放人质,他们将被迫采取军事行动。She held out the possibility of prisoners being released.她表示囚犯有被释放的可能。




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