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例句 She hated being the other woman, but what could she do?她不想充当第三者,但她又能怎么办呢?The doctor said I shouldn't drink, but what the heck.医生说我不能喝酒,管他呢。Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is ergonomics?请恕我无知,不过人类工程学究竟是怎么回事?Of course, some people will criticize you, but what does it matter?当然了,有些人要批评你,但那有什么关系呢?He is not such a fool but what he can see it.他不是傻瓜,这一点不会不领悟。Those are nice academic arguments, but what about the immediate future?那些是微妙的学术上的辩论,但不久的将来怎么办?Not wishing to appear thick, but what exactly are you doing?我不想让自己显得很傻,可你到底在干什么?It is not how much you read but what you read that counts.问题不在于你读了多少书,而在于你读了哪些有价值的书。Everyone seems to have admired Diana, but what was she really like as a person?每个人好像都很羡慕戴安娜,但她到底是个什么样的人呢?They tried to comfort her, but what could they say?他们想要安慰她,但能说什么呢? The voice sounded perfectly rational but what it was saying was completely mad.听声音倒是再清醒不过,说的内容却全是胡言乱语。I could try talking to him, but what good would that do/be? He has already made up his mind.我可以设法和他谈谈,但那会有什么用呢?他已经拿定主意了。He is quite sparing in his comments, but what he says makes sense.他发表意见很谨慎,但说的话都很有道理。It is not a person's gender that fits them to be a vicar but what is in their hearts.一个人是否胜任教区牧师一职取决于其品德而不是其性别。We recycle our waste, but what happens to it afterwards is completely off our radar.我们回收垃圾,但是这之后发生了什么我们就一点都不知道了。Of course I care about the homeless and the unemployed, but what can I do?我当然关心无家可归者和失业者,可我能做些什么呢?We lost a little money, but what the hell, it's not a big deal.我们损失了一些钱,不过没关系,这没什么大不了的。It's true she gets madly impatient with him, but what mother doesn't?…她确实对他极其不耐烦,但哪个母亲不是这样呢?I realize you didn't get home until after midnight but what does that have to do with coming in late for work?我知道你半夜才回到家,那与你上班迟到有什么关系?It's rather expensive, but what the heck.这个相当贵,不过管它呢。It sounds like a good offer, but what if it's a trick?那个提议听起来很诱人,但如果是个骗局会怎么样?He broke the vase but what is worse, he lied to me about it.他打碎了花瓶,但更糟的是这事他还跟我撒了谎。I'm sorry, but what you ask is out of my range.抱歉,你问的事非我所知。I know the fare is expensive, but what the hell.我知道车费很贵,但这有什么关系。I was supposed to be working this evening but what the hell - I'll see you at the bar in half an hour.今晚我本来应该工作的,但这也没关系——半小时后我们酒吧见。They make a variety of points, but what their complaints come down to is, no one seems to care.他们提了许多意见,但他们的投诉主要可以归结为一点:似乎没人关心此事。PMJI but what are you talking about?请原谅,但你们正在聊什么呢?He has no income but what he gets from his writing. 除了写作得来的钱,他没有其他收入。That's all very fine, but what about me?那好倒是很好,可我怎么样呢?




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