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词汇 默默无闻
例句 He rose from relative obscurity to worldwide recognition.他从默默无闻一下变成世界闻名。She was an unsung hero of the British film industry.她是英国电影业默默无闻的英雄。Progress was made by the accumulated activities of large groups of innominate people.进展是由大批大批默默无闻的人们日积月累的活动经营所取得的。This Canadian author has chosen to live in relative anonymity on a Pacific island.这位加拿大作家选择住在太平洋的一个岛上,过着相对默默无闻的生活。The latter half of his life was spent in obscurity and loneliness.他的后半生在默默无闻和寂寞孤独中度过。The artist was little known in his lifetime.这位艺术家一生默默无闻The author had been an unknown until he published his recent book.这位作家一直是个默默无闻的人,直到最近出版了他的一本书。The agency plucked Naomi from obscurity and turned her into one of the world's top models.这个经纪公司挖掘了默默无闻的娜奥米,并把她打造成了世界顶尖模特。He was unknown in the music world, leastwise until recently.他过去在乐坛默默无闻,至少前不久仍是如此。It was a decision which consigned him to political obscurity.那个决定使他在政治上变得默默无闻No one gives much thought to the nameless millions who work in our factories.没有人仔细想过我们工厂里数百万默默无闻的工人。He was unknown in the music world, at least until recently.他过去在乐坛默默无闻,至少前不久仍是如此。She languished in obscurity for many years until the success of her novel made her famous.她多年来默默无闻,直到她的小说畅销才出了名。After one hit record he rapidly faded into obscurity.一个人巅峰期过后就会迅速变得默默无闻The latter half of his life was spent in obscurity and loneliness.他在默默无闻中孤独地度过了后半生。She remains one of the unsung heroines of the war.她依然是战争中默默无闻的女英雄之一。He was assigned to a succession of low-profile army jobs.他被指派担任一系列默默无闻的陆军职务。She rose from obscurity to stardom.她由默默无闻一跃成为明星。Owen died an unknown provincial.欧文去世时是个默默无闻的外省人。He has been living in relative obscurity in a small town in the mountains.他一直默默无闻地生活在群山里的一个小镇上。The movie transformed her almost overnight from an unknown schoolgirl into a megastar.那部电影几乎在一夜之间就让她从一名默默无闻的女学生变成了一位巨星。She scorns the visible trappings of success, preferring to live unnoticed.她鄙视将成功炫耀于人,更愿意默默无闻地生活。Some became rock'n'roll casualties, others faded into obscurity.一些人成了摇滚音乐的受害者,其他人则逐渐落得默默无闻He died in relative obscurity.他在相对默默无闻中死去。After the accident he retired from acting and died in relative obscurity.那次事故后他就不再演戏,在默默无闻中去世。His first book lifted him out of obscurity.他的处女作使他不再默默无闻He has risen from obscurity to international fame.他已从默默无闻之辈而成为国际上名人。The actor still remained in the shade.那演员仍然默默无闻He'd been plucked from obscurity and thrust into the national spotlight.原本默默无闻的他一下子变成了全国关注的对象。There's the chance of being plucked from obscurity and thrown into the glamorous world of modelling.有机会从默默无闻中脱颖而出,进入光鲜亮丽的模特圈。He is now living in virtual obscurity.事实上,如今他只是默默无闻地活着。Before you get green with envy, I had to do a lot of stuff that wasn't so glamorous, too.你先别忙着妒忌,我也是做了许多默默无闻的事的。Our goalie is one of the unheralded players on our team.守门员是我们球队默默无闻的球员之一。




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