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词汇 默默地
例句 The long line of mourners filed silently past.一长队哀悼者默默地走过。We finished breakfast silently.我们默默地吃完了早餐。He touched her hand in mute sympathy.默默地轻按她的手,以示同情。Kinane sat in silence, puffing thoughtfully at his pipe.基南默默地坐着,若有所思地抽着烟斗。She could not speak but just nodded mutely.她一句话也说不出,只是默默地点头。They hugged each other in mute sympathy.他们默默地互相拥抱以示同情。People looked on in silence.人们默默地旁观。His eyes silently pleaded with her.默默地用眼神恳求她。When their food arrived they ate in silence.食物来了,他们默默地吃了。He cried silently while the song played.这首歌曲奏响时,他默默地流泪了。I gazed at her in mute admiration.默默地凝视着她,心生爱慕之情。He watched her in wordless admiration.他用赞赏的目光默默地注视着她。We sat quietly for a few tense moments.我们紧张地默默地坐了一会儿。He stared out of the window in silent meditation.他凝视窗外,默默地沉思着。A young man had appeared from nowhere and was standing silently at their table.一个年轻人不知从什么地方冒了出来,默默地站在他们的桌子旁边。They walked hand in hand in silence up the path.他们手拉手,默默地沿着小路走去。He said a silent prayer.默默地祈祷。She uttered a silent prayer.默默地做了祈祷。We walked in silence up a flight of stairs and down a long corridor.我们默默地走上一段楼梯,穿过一个长长的走廊。She worked on quietly all night.她整个晚上默默地继续工作。 He smoked in meditative silence.他抽着烟,默默地沉思。A patient throng was waiting in silence.耐心的人群正默默地等候着。He found Jill in the gallery shop silently browsing through some books.他发现吉尔在画廊里,默默地翻着一些书。She stood there, quietly observing the domestic scene.她站在那儿默默地看着家中的这一幕。She looked grim and upset, standing silently in the corner.她看上去神色凝重烦恼,默默地站在角落里。He shook his head in silent negation.默默地摇头表示拒绝。She whispered a silent prayer that her wounded brother would not die.默默地祷告,希望她受伤的兄弟不会死去。He suffered insult and indignity in silence.默默地忍受着羞辱。More mourners stood mutely on the nation's most famous beach.更多的哀悼者默默地站在该国最著名的沙滩上。We sat in silence for a few moments.我们默默地坐了一会儿。They drove in silence, Charlie contentedly puffing on his pipe.他们默默地开着车,查利心满意足地抽着烟斗。After suffering silently, she decided to have it out with her husband.默默地忍受之后,她决定向丈夫摊牌。We received the grim news in silence.我们默默地接受这个令人沮丧的消息。Good gymnasts rehearse their moves mentally before a competition.优秀的体操运动员在赛前都会在心中默默地把动作过一遍。He bore their insults patiently.默默地忍受着他们的侮辱。Julie offered up a silent prayer that she would pass her exam.朱莉默默地祈祷,希望能通过这次考试。This landscape bears silent witness to one of the greatest tragedies in history.这片风景默默地见证了历史上最大的悲剧之一。He would sit silent for hours.他常常接连好几个小时默默地坐著。She groaned silently/inwardly when she saw the bill. 看到账单时,她默默地/从心底里发出一声叹息。Silently she meditated revenge.默默地计划着复仇。




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