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词汇 刺穿
例句 The boy died after being impaled on railings when he slipped while playing.小男孩玩耍时失足滑倒,被栏杆刺穿身体致死。One bullet pierced the left side of his chest.一颗子弹刺穿了他的左胸。A boy died after being impaled on railings when he slipped.一男孩摔倒后被栏杆刺穿身体致死。The knife entered his chest and pierced his heart.刀子插进了他的胸膛,刺穿了他的心脏。Researchers observed one bird impale a rodent on a cactus.研究人员观察到一只鸟把一只啮齿动物刺穿在仙人掌上。The boy died after being impaled on railings.男孩被栏杆刺穿身体后死了。He skewered his victim through the neck.他用扦子刺穿了受害人的脖子。The knife went through his ribs and punctured his lung.刀子穿过他的肋骨刺穿了他的肺。He ran him through with his sword.他用剑将他刺穿A broken rib had perforated her lung.一根断了的肋骨刺穿了她的肺部。The assassin's sword ran through his body.刺客的剑刺穿他的躯干。Lenny swayed for a moment, then dropped to the ground, impaling himself on his switchblade.伦尼晃了一下,然后倒在了地上,他的弹簧刀刺穿了自己的身体。




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