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词汇 an agreement
例句 Companies have been stymied by the length of time it takes to reach an agreement.由于耗时过长,各公司一直未能达成协议。They're hoping to work out an agreement well ahead of the deadline.他们希望在最后期限之前尽早制订出一份协议。We debated the issue ad nauseam without reaching an agreement.我们对这个问题没完没了地争论,还是达不成共识。The Chancellor had been hoping to have an agreement signed and sealed by the end of this week.财政大臣一直期望这周末前能敲定一份协议。It looks as though an agreement has now been reached.看来现在似乎达成了协议。With smiles and handshakes all round, an agreement was finally reached.每个人都面带微笑并相互握手,协议终告达成。They tried by diplomatic maneuvers to obtain an agreement.他们利用了外交手段试图达成协议。Failure to reach an agreement will result in a strike.达不成协议将会导致罢工。They finally left off trying to reach an agreement.他们最终放弃了达成协议的努力。Over ninety countries ratified an agreement to ban the use of these chemicals.九十多个国家批准了一项禁止使用这些化学品的协议。Negotiators again worked right down to the wire to reach an agreement.谈判人员又一次直到最后时刻才达成了协议。He has to return the property under the terms of an agreement he has with the original owner.按照与原业主签署的契约条款,他必须归还这个地产。The compact is an agreement with hell.这契约是与恶势力达成的协议。He remained highly optimistic that an agreement could be reached.他仍然很乐观地认为能够达成协议。After months of negotiation, an agreement was finally reached.经过数月谈判,终于达成了一项协议。It was difficult to reach an agreement because of the friction between the two sides.双方的分歧导致协议难以达成。Representatives of many nations at the peace talks are working towards an agreement.许多国家的和平会议代表正争取达成协议。All our efforts have failed to produce an agreement.我们尽了全力也未能达成一致。I thought we had an agreement.我以为我们有一份合同。Their effort to conclude an agreement was a success.他们为达成协议所付出的努力取得了成果。We hope that common sense will prevail and an agreement will soon be reached.我们希望共识能占上风并且很快能达成协议。After hours of talks the government and the union have reached an agreement.经过数小时的谈判,政府与工会达成了协议。I believe we are within striking distance of an agreement.我相信我们即将达成协议。He claims that the city breached an agreement by selling the property.他声称,该市出售这块地产系违约。I think we have reached an agreement which not only profits management but also labour.我想我们达成的协议对劳资双方都有利。The president set a time limit of 6 months for the negotiations to produce an agreement.总统给这次谈判设定了六个月的期限来达成协议。The publisher has signed an agreement for the exclusive distribution of the books in the US.出版商已经签署协议,在美国独家发行这些书。They are still trying to reach an agreement.他们仍在努力达成协议。There was no/little prospect that the two parties would reach an agreement anytime soon.双方近期不可能达成共识。He has come to an agreement with his friend about sharing a car.他同他朋友在合用汽车的问题上已达成了协议。There will be some hard bargaining before an agreement is reached.在达成协议之前会有一番艰苦的谈判。We are striving to reach an agreement which will satisfy the several interests of the parties concerned.我们正在努力达成一个能满足有关各方各自利益的协议。We knocked the plan around for a while before we came to an agreement.在达成一致意见之前,我们商讨了一下这个计划。There are hopes that an agreement can be made to break the deadlock between the White House and Congress.有希望达成协议,打破白宫和国会之间的僵持局面。Negotiators worked feverishly late into the night to hammer out an agreement.谈判人员紧张地工作到深夜,以敲定协议。The most important thing is to reach an agreement and to avoid a trade war.最重要的是达成协议,避免贸易战。The issue of holiday pay was the major block in reaching an agreement.假期的工资问题是达成协议的主要障碍。We have an agreement to always tell each other the truth about everything.我们约定无论何事彼此都要讲实话。They have come to an agreement. = They have reached an agreement.他们达成了协议。We will do everything possible to smooth the path towards an agreement between the two sides.我们将尽一切可能为双方达成协议铺平道路。




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