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词汇 an age
例句 I ached to be of an age to take care of myself.我巴望能到自食其力的年龄。We live in an age when patriotism is often sneered at.我们生活在一个爱国主义常常被嗤之以鼻的时代。Their son appeared underweight for his size and age.按体型和年龄来说,他们的儿子似乎太瘦了。It's been an age since we last saw them.自从我们上次见到他们,已经过去很久了。Apart from the victim's name and age, no other details were given.除了受害者的名字和年龄外,没有提供任何其他细节。The two children are much of an age.这两个孩子的年龄差不多。 He waited what seemed an age.他觉得等了很久。Newton lived in an age of exploration and discovery.牛顿生活在一个探索和发现的年代。It's not right, in this day and age, that people all over the world are still starving.在如今这个时代,世界各地还有人在挨饿,这是不合理的。The value of the furniture depends on its condition and age.家具的价值取决于它的状况和年头。Older people applying for jobs come up against an age barrier.年纪较大的求职者遇到了年龄上的障碍。The treatment depends on the sex and age of the patient.治疗方案依病人的性别和年龄而定。Your grandmother is scarcely of an age to bring up a child.你祖母已到了不适于抚养孩子的年龄。I think there's an age limit, but I'd have to check.我觉得有年龄的限制,不过得查一下。This is an age of high technology and automation.这是个高科技和自动化的时代。In our day and age, high fidelity TV is quite common.时至今日,高传真度电视已经非常普及。This is an age when we boast of our emotional intelligence and we claim to feel each other's pain.这是一个我们都在夸耀自己的情商,声称能感受彼此的伤痛的时代。We live in an age of uncertainty.我们生活在一个风云变幻的时代。Computers are essential to getting work done in this day and age. 如今,干工作计算机是必不可少的。She's got to an age where she is being awkward.她到了难相处的年龄。You can't afford to run businesses inefficiently in this day and age.如今低效经营企业是行不通的。It's hard to believe that such behavior is still tolerated in this day and age. 很难相信在当今这个时代,这样的行为还能够被容忍。She lived in an age when few women became politicians.她生活在鲜有女性从政的时代。The telephone lines are only open during office hours, which is ludicrous in this day and age.电话线只在上班时间开通,在现在这个时代这是很荒唐的。What an age that girl is, getting ready!那个姑娘要花这么长时间准备!It's amazing that you can still find a house for under $100,000 in this day and age.如今这个年代你还能找到十万美元以下的房子,真是难以相信啊。It took an age for us all to get on the boat.我们花了很长时间才全部上了船。Even in this day and age the old attitudes persist.即使在今天这个时代,这些陈旧的观念依然存在。It's unbelievable that in this day and age people are still dying from hunger.现在还有人死于饥饿,真是不可思议。




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