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词汇 制裁
例句 If the Americans were so minded, then they could take sanctions against them.如果美国人有这样的意愿,他们可以对其进行制裁The US was willing to support sanctions, but stopped short of military intervention.美国愿意支持制裁,但不至于实行军事干预。Sanctions should remain in place for the present.制裁应该暂时保留。If the Americans were so minded then they could take sanctions against them.要是美国人非要这么做的话,那么他们可以对其进行制裁They received justice in court.他们在法庭上受到了制裁The basic point is that sanctions cannot be counted on to produce a sure result.最重要的一点是,制裁并不一定能带来一个确定的结果。They offered to ease sanctions in return for UN inspectors being allowed into the country.他们提出放松制裁,作为交换条件,该国应允许联合国监察员进入。We are assessing the impact of the sanctions.我们正在对制裁的影响进行评估。The court has the power to apply sanctions for contumacious conduct.法庭有权对违抗法庭命令的行为进行制裁The sanctions were a punitive measure used to try to force South Africa to reject apartheid.这些制裁是一种惩罚性的手段,用来迫使南非放弃种族隔离制度。You cannot escape the law.你逃脱不了法律的制裁The Canadian foreign minister criticized U.S. sanctions against Cuba.这位加拿大外交部长批评了美国对古巴的制裁Sanctions against the country should be lifted.应该取消对这个国家的制裁The Convention requires signatories to punish genocide when it occurs.会议要求签署方在种族大屠杀发生时进行制裁The freighter was allowed to proceed after satisfying them that it was not breaking sanctions.在确认没有违反制裁条例后,货船被放行了。Their economy crumbled under the weight of United Nations sanctions.在联合国制裁的重压之下,他们的经济崩溃了。The country's economic growth is being hindered by the sanctions.国家的经济增长由于制裁而受挫。America won't countenance any such circumvention of the sanctions.美国不会赞成任何规避制裁的行为。The UN announced its intentions to toughen sanctions still further.联合国宣布了要进一步加强制裁的意图。These sanctions are a hindrance to the country's economic growth.这些制裁有碍该国的经济增长。The sanctions are not working the way they were intended.制裁没有发挥预期的作用。There is no guarantee that sanctions against them will work.不能保证对他们的制裁会起作用。The new measures are aimed at tightening existing sanctions.新措施旨在加强现行的制裁Use of the car is penalized by increasing the fares of parking lots.通过提高停车费,变相制裁车辆的使用。The US government supported sanctions but stopped short of military action.美国政府支持制裁,但决定不采取军事行动。They face tougher sanctions and ostracism from the civilized world.他们面临更严厉的制裁和文明世界的排斥。Sanctions have failed to loosen his grip on power.制裁未能使他放松对权力的控制。The sanctions have dealt a severe blow to the local tourism industry.制裁对当地旅游业造成了沉重的打击。The military was badly weakened by the sanctions.军队因制裁而受到严重削弱。The UN Security Council has linked any lifting of sanctions to compliance with the ceasefire terms.联合国安全理事会将取消制裁与遵守停火协议挂钩。Sanctions will be more effective if they are undertaken in concert by a group of countries.如果一批国家联手采取制裁措施,将会更加有效。The Security Council will consider taking future actions against sanction-busters.安理会将考虑未来采取措施打击破坏制裁的人。Ironically, the latest clamp-down has just led to renewed international criticism.让人哭笑不得的是,最近的制裁结果只是导致新一波国际社会的批评。He restated his belief that the sanctions need more time to work.他重申,他相信制裁需要更长的时间才能产生效果。The legislation sanctions harsh mandatory penalties for weapons possession.法规批准对持有武器实行严厉制裁The government is refusing to bow down to pressure to lift the sanctions.面对要求取消制裁的压力,政府拒绝屈服。The two leaders had differed on the issue of sanctions.两位领导人在制裁问题上存在意见分歧。As the war enters its final phase, the UN will probably consider lifting sanctions.战争进入最后阶段,联合国可能会考虑取消制裁The president said he'd lift sanctions.总统说他将撤销制裁The President clamped sanctions on the island after the bomb attack.发生炸弹袭击事件以后,总统对该岛实行了制裁




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