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词汇 housing
例句 They started clearing land for the new housing development.为了新的房产开发,他们开始清理土地。The housing market needs a kick-start.房地产市场需要刺激。Everyone was saddened by the news that housing is to be built on the fields beside Cliff Lane.有消息说莱恩山崖附近的田地上要建住房,大家都很难过。Poverty and bad housing conditions are still very much in evidence.贫困和糟糕的住房条件仍很常见。From the point of view of a local authority housing official, a house with spare bedrooms is under-occupied.从地方当局住房官员的观点来看,有剩余卧室的房子即为居住不足的房子。Does the new housing stick out like a sore thumb or blend into its surroundings?.这个新住宅区是显得有点扎眼,还是和环境融为一体?Under this proposal, Federal money will no longer go to public housing projects but will go instead directly to the people.根据这一提议,联邦政府的钱将不再用于公共住宅项目,而是直接分到人们的手里。The Council is introducing means tests for housing tenants.该委员会正在调查房屋租户的收入情况。The committee rejected a proposal for a new housing development.委员会否决了一份开发住宅新区的计划。The causes of social distress include inadequate housing.造成社会困境的原因包括住房不足。The state subsidizes housing for low-income families.这个州向低收入家庭提供住房补贴。It is known that poor housing significantly affects educational achievement.众所周知,住房条件差会严重影响学业成绩。I'll try and get the housing department to bend the rules for us.我去试试让房屋署给我们通融一下。Many immigrants here are living in bad housing.这儿有许多移民住在破败的房屋里。Too many families are still living in substandard housing.仍有太多家庭居住条件达不到标准。The commission pinpoints inadequate housing as a basic problem threatening village life.该委员会明确指出住房不足是威胁村民生活的根本问题。They can't afford decent housing.他们住不起像样的房子。The housing market has been very sluggish these past few years.过去这几年房地产市场一直很萧条。Finding adequate housing for the poor has been one of the city council's priorities.向穷人提供足够的住宅是市政当局优先考虑的问题之一。He had to rush back to the office and file a housing story before the secretaries went home.他不得不冲回办公室,赶在秘书们回家之前提交一篇有关住房的新闻报道。The high cost of housing means that many young people can't afford to buy a house.房价高意味着很多年轻人买不起房子。We will start to see the confidence in the housing market building up again.我们会看到对住宅市场的信心再次增强。Little of the existing housing is of good enough quality.现有的住房几乎少有质量过关的。The bureau provides advice on all kinds of housing problems.该机构提供各种住房问题的咨询。The orchard abuts land being developed for housing.果园紧邻一片正建造住房的土地。Most modern housing developments show a tedious uniformity of design.大多数现代住宅小区的设计都千篇一律,单调乏味。By turning down the permit they effectively ended the housing plans.他们拒发许可证,实际上终止了住房计划。Some people may be entitled to a housing benefit supplement.有些人可能有资格拿到住房补贴。The city committed millions of dollars for the housing project.城市拨款数百万美元用于住房建设工程。Lower interest rates could reinvigorate consumer spending and the struggling housing market.更低的利率可能会重振消费和疲软的住房市场。Recent changes in housing policy, though well-meant, have done more harm than good.最近住房政策上的变化,尽管是出于善意,却弊大于利。Private sector housing is just too expensive for low-income families in the city at the moment.目前,私营部门提供的住房对低收入家庭来说太贵了。She receives a substantial housing allowance on top of her salary.除工资外她还有数额不小的住房津贴。There's been a downturn in the housing market.房地产市场的行情一直在下滑。The people who planned these new towns had a vision of clean modern housing for everyone.新城镇的设计者期望给每个人提供整洁的现代住宅。An opposition spokesman savaged the government's housing investment program.一位反对党发言人猛烈抨击政府的住房投资计划。The agreement included a stipulation that half of the money had to be spent on housing for lower-income families.协议中包括一项条款,即这笔款项中的一半必须用于低收入家庭的住房供给。If elected, he promised to build more low-cost housing in the city.如果当选的话,他许诺在城内建造更多廉价房屋。The housing director's comment that "the homeless could do more to help themselves" was unfortunate.住房主任说的那句“无家可归者可以做更多的事来自助”是不恰当的。There is a shortage of council housing.廉租公房房源不足。




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