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Gauging by the polls, it's not likely he'll win the election.从民意测验判断他不大可能赢得选举。How can he make fair and impartial decisions when political loyalties colour his judgement?如果政治上的效忠心理影响着他的判断,他又如何能作出公正、不带偏见的决定呢?I made a gross judgement of the distance between the two cities.我粗略地判断了一下这两个城市之间的距离。Their boss made a one-sided judgement.他们的上司作出了不公的判断。The company backed her judgement and implemented all her recommendations.公司支持她的判断,采纳执行了她所有的建议。Sophie totally misjudged the situation and behaved inappropriately.苏菲对形势的判断完全错误,举止极不妥当。It only took a few seconds for her to size up the situation.她只用了几秒钟就对情况作出了判断。It's a judgment that you are unqualified to make.这是一个你没资格去做的判断。I estimated my chances of slipping out unseen.我判断了一下自己悄悄溜出去的机会有多大。Her purpose was to scrutinize his features to see if he was an honest man.她的目的是通过仔细观察他的相貌以判断他是否诚实。I am trying to decide if it's warm enough for swimming.我正在判断,看够不够暖和,是否可以游泳。It's impossible at this stage to judge how the vote will come out.现阶段不可能判断投票结果会怎样。Our judgements must be based on our knowledge and experience.我们的判断必须以我们的知识和经验为基础。I think my husband is the most handsome man in the world, but I realize my judgment is rather subjective.我觉得我丈夫是世界上最帅的男人,当然我也意识到我的判断很主观。I guessed from his name that Jose must have been Spanish.从荷西这个名字判断,我猜他是西班牙人。Often there's no clear evidence one way or the other and you just have to base your judgment on intuition.很多时候,往往没有这样或那样的确凿证据,你只得凭直觉进行判断。You can't tell anybody by what they seem.你不能凭外表判断人。There are four criteria to determine a player's abilities: accuracy, power, spin and serving strength.判断选手能力有四个标准:精准性、爆发力、旋转球技术和发球力量。He had a name for good judgement.他以判断准确而闻名。Use your own best judgment.你自己好好判断一下。Professional people are sometimes bad judges of their colleagues’ conduct.专业人士有时对同事的行为操守不能作出准确的判断。The polls are not a reliable guide of how people will vote.根据这些民意测验来判断人们将如何投票并不可靠。He never allows any prejudices to influence his judgement.他的判断从不带任何偏见。Landing a plane requires fine judgement.驾驶飞机着陆需要精准的判断。He has been accused of letting personal feuds affect his judgement.他被指责让个人恩怨影响了他的判断。Try to get some perspective on your troubles.尽量对自己的问题作出正确的判断。The tests are not an accurate measure of performance.这些测试并不是判断性能的精确方法。I was starting to mistrust my own judgment.我开始怀疑自己的判断了。Be aware of external factors which may unduly influence your judgement.要留意可能会对你的判断产生过多影响的外部因素。Judging from her accent, she must be from the North.从她的口音判断,她一定是北方人。Our decisions are made on the basis of the available information. 我们是根据手头上的信息做出的判断。How do you judge when a house needs a new roof?你是如何判断房屋何时需要翻新屋顶的呢?Going by what she said yesterday, I would say she's about to resign.从昨天她说的话来判断,我敢说她要辞职了。You could tell she wasn't lying from the fear in her voice.你可以从她声音里的恐惧判断出她没有说谎。It is impossible to say who struck the fatal blow.很难判断是谁给了致命的一击。The movie is amoral, not immoral.影片不涉及道德判断,而非内容不道德。Perhaps anger had clouded his vision, perhaps his judgment had been faulty.可能愤怒蒙蔽了他的双眼,也可能他的判断本来就是错的。They are mistaken in their appreciation of the country's economic conditions.他们对国家经济形势的判断是错误的。I think you have made a bad error of judgment.我认为你这个判断严重失误。It's at this stage that the patients can get things out of perspective.就是在这个阶段病人无法对事情进行客观的判断。 |