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词汇 hook
例句 He feinted with his right, then followed with a left hook.他用右拳虚晃一招,接着打了一个左勾拳。We must keep in mind the feelings of our people, who have a justified desire to see that private investors are also on the hook, and not just taxpayers.我们必须考虑到我们公民的情绪,他们有合理的理由去了解到私人投资者已被陷入圈套,而不仅仅是纳税人。One of his jackets hung from a hook.他的一件夹克衫挂在衣钩上。He leveled his opponent with a right hook.他以一记右勾拳将对手打倒在地。He fell for it hook, line, and sinker.他完全上当受骗了。I've been trying to call her for about half an hour. I think her phone must be off the hook.我一直试着给她打了大约半小时的电话,肯定是她电话没有挂好。I wasn't prepared to let her off the hook that easily.我不愿意那么轻易放过她。The hook in the ceiling had given way and the lamp had fallen blazing on to the table.天花板上的钩子断了,灯落下来砸到桌子上燃起了火。Nudity is the hook to pull in viewers.裸体是吸引观众的手段。We need more cable to hook up the computers.要连接这些计算机,我们需要有更多的连接线。He got the hook after allowing three runs in the second inning.他因在第二局让对手得了三分而被换下场。Government officials accused of bribery and corruption often get off the hook.被指控贪污受贿的政府官员经常能够摆脱罪名。His creative process involves holing up in his Paris flat with the phone off the hook.他在创作的过程中躲在自己巴黎的公寓里,连电话都挂起。This time there was no one around to get him off the hook.这一次,没有人能帮他脱离困境。The construction company had to get the contract, by hook or by crook.那家建设公司欲得契约,不择手段。Somehow the picture hook had come adrift from the wall.不知怎么回事,画钩从墙上脱落了。She took a deep breath and lifted the receiver off its hook.她深吸一口气,拿起了电话。The line ran out into the water as a fish swallowed the hook.当鱼吞饵上钩时,钓线就被拉进水里。I wasn't going to let her off the hook so easily.我是不会让她这么轻易地逃过惩罚的。My coat was caught up on the hook.我的大衣被挂钩钩住了。 He baited his hook with a piece of meat.他把一块肉装在钩上当饵。When did you two first hook up?你们俩是什么时候开始在一起的?Eager to hook into a career but can't find one right for you?急于干一番事业,但又找不到适合自己的?He hit him with a left hook to the jaw.他朝他的下巴来了一记左勾拳。She coiled the clothesline and hung it on the hook.她把晾衣绳绕成卷挂在钩子上。You need a long pole with a hook at one end.你需要一根一头有钩子的长竿。Water and electric hook-ups are available and facilities are good.水和电都可以接通,设施也很不错。As soon as he saw her smile he knew he was off the hook.一看到她的笑容,他就知道没事了。He got the hook for sleeping on the job.他因在干活时睡觉而丢了饭碗。We plan to hook up with our friends after the game.我们打算比赛后和朋友们碰个面。A hook is attached to the back of the picture frame.相框背面装有一个钩子。Taking a tight grip on the hook, he began to pull it closer.他紧紧地抓住钩子,开始朝自己的方向拉。What an idiot! He believed the whole story hook, line, and sinker!真是笨蛋!那一大篇鬼话他居然全信了!I locked the door and took the phone off the hook so no one could disturb me.我锁上门,摘下电话,这样就没有人能打扰我了。The young woman was determined to hook a rich husband.那个年轻女人决心钓个金龟婿。One of the most basic requirements for any form of angling is a sharp hook.不管以什么方式钓鱼,有一个锋利的鱼钩都是最基本的要求之一。He's still on the hook for the cost of the repairs.他还欠着一笔修理费。If you ask me, they let him off the hook too easily.依我看,他们太轻易就让他逃过了惩罚。Before fighting the fire, we need to find the spigot to hook up our water cannons.在救火之前,我们得先找到防火栓才能接上水枪。He hung his coat on the hook.他把衣服挂在钩子上。




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