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词汇 hooked
例句 We hooked up for lunch at Toscana in Brentwood.我们在布伦特伍德的托斯卡纳碰头一起吃午饭。I have been hooked in for an essay.我被强拉着写一篇短文。Open this book and read a few pages and you will be hooked.打开这本书读上几页,你就会沉迷其中。She hooked me up with some great tickets.她给了我几张优等座位的票。She hooked her fingers around the doorknob.她用手握住了门把手。The machine is hooked up to the apartment's central wiring system.这台机器是和公寓的中央线缆系统连在一起的。At the first cast I hooked a huge fish.第一次抛下钓线,我就钓了一条大鱼。She hooked her foot round a stool and drew it close to his chair.她弯脚钩住搁脚凳,把它移近他的椅子。They hooked him into paying for everybody's lunch.他们耍花招,让他为大家付午餐钱。He hooked his thumb through a loop of his pants.他用大拇指钩着裤子上的裤襻。I was hooked after two episodes.看过两集之后我就入了迷。He hooked up his computer to the network.他将电脑连上网络。Her friends talked her into playing golf, and now she's hooked.她是在朋友的劝说下开始打高尔夫的,而现在她已经完全着迷了。He hooked the umbrella over his arm and went outside.他把伞钩在手臂上就出去了。On the bridge of his hooked nose was a pair of gold rimless spectacles.他的鹰钩鼻上架着一副金色无框眼镜。I hooked my left arm over the side of the dinghy.我用左臂钩住小划艇的船舷。The patient was hooked up to a monitor/respirator.那名患者被戴上了监测器/呼吸器。I hooked the inflow pipe from the filter to the pump, trimming the excess so it wouldn't kink.我把过滤器和抽水机之间的进水管弯成钩状,剪下多余部分,这样它就不会扭结了。She hooked open the furnace door with a poker.她用拨火棒钩开炉门。Many of the leaders have become hooked on power and money.很多领导人都变得贪恋权力和金钱。Her evening dress has to be hooked up at the back.她的晚礼服得从背后扣住。He was hopelessly hooked on steroids.他不可救药地对类固醇上了瘾。The French army hooked up with the Americans for the march to Paris.法军与美军汇合,挺进巴黎。The patient was hooked up to an IV.那名患者在打点滴。He spent a number of years hooked on cocaine, heroin and alcohol.他有好几年时间吸食可卡因和海洛因成瘾,还整日酗酒。At the same time the canoe-men raised baskets of fruit on hooked poles to the hands on the gangway.同时,小艇划手用带钩的杆子将一篮篮水果挑起来,递给舷梯上的船员。I'd like to know how you hooked up with Emerald in the first place.我想知道一开始你是怎么跟爱莫瑞德好上的。He was hooked on cocaine.他对可卡因上了瘾。The two men hooked up to form a new company.两个男人合伙开了一家新公司。For the first time luck hooked onto me.运气第一次降临到我头上。He is hooked on fishing.他着迷于垂钓。Paul hooked his tractor to the car and pulled it to safety.保罗把自己的拖拉机挂在汽车上,拖到了安全的地方。The road hooked around the lake.这条路沿著湖岸蜿蜒伸展。She hooked up with a guitarist and drummer.她和一个吉他手兼鼓手合作。He hooked a large fish.他钓到了一条大鱼。Helen was unconscious and hooked up to a life support machine.海伦不省人事,于是就给她接上了一台生命维持系统。He was lying there hooked up to a heart monitor.他躺在那儿,身上连着一台心脏监测仪。They’re equipped with a strap that can be hooked on to your purse, backpack or belt for safe keeping.它们配有一条带子,可挂在钱包、背包或腰带上以备保管。He hooked several trout from the stream.他从溪中钓了好几条鳟鱼。I'm guessing again now because I'm not hooked into the political circles.我现在又是在猜测了,因为我没有涉足政界。




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