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词汇 刚一
例句 We recognized each other as kindred spirits as soon as we met.我们刚一见面就知道彼此是志同道合的人。She rushes to pick up the baby as soon as it starts to cry.婴儿刚一哭,她就奔过去把它抱了起来。We broke our fast just after sunset.太阳刚一落山我们就开斋了。As soon as I mentioned work, he was out of the door like greased lightning!刚一提工作的事儿,他就一溜烟似的跑出去了!The new car goes down in value the minute you buy it.刚一买下,那新车就贬值了。He stretched, and one of his shirt buttons pinged across the room.刚一伸腰,衬衫的一颗纽扣就砰的一声飞到房间的另一头去了。He just released his hold and toppled slowly backwards.刚一松开手就缓缓向后倒下。The boat had run into a storm almost immediately after leaving harbour.船几乎是刚一离港就遇到了风暴。She called the police the instant he left.刚一离开,她就打电话报了警。She snuck out of the house once her parents were asleep.她父母刚一睡着她就溜出了家门。The moment she left, the rest of the family started to pull her to pieces.刚一离开,家里人就开始七嘴八舌地数落她。She arrived right on cue at the mention of her name.刚一提到她的名字她人就到了。As soon as the tremor passed, many people spontaneously arose and cheered.震感刚一过去,很多人就自发地站起来欢呼。Then, at the first sniff of danger, he was back at his post.刚一觉察到危险就立即回到了自己的哨位。His entrance was announced by a buzzer connected to the door.刚一进去,与门相连的门铃便嗡嗡作响。As soon as I mentioned that there was work to be done they all ran a mile.刚一提起有工作得干,他们都一下子逃之夭夭。As soon as the guard's back was turned they made a break for the door.警卫刚一转过身,他们就赶快向门口跑去。There was an undignified rush to the door as soon as the meeting ended.会议刚一结束,人们便不顾体面,冲向门口。They validated our parking ticket as soon as we arrived. 我们刚一到他们就在我们的停车票上盖了章(以便免费停车)。His glasses steamed up as soon as he came indoors.刚一进屋眼镜上就起了一层雾。The new mayor is off to a running start. 新市长刚一上任就来了个开门红。I had hardly arrived when the telephone rang.刚一到,电话铃就响了。Once ashore, the vessel was thoroughly inspected.船只刚一靠岸就接受了彻底检查。Directly he was paid, he went out shopping.刚一领到钱就出去购物了。Her horse galloped off as soon as she was on.刚一上马,马就飞奔起来。Barely had the bulldozers started when Museum of London archaeologists swooped.推土机刚一启动,伦敦博物馆的考古学家们就蜂拥而至了。He left just/right/immediately/soon/shortly after the show ended.演出刚一结束他就离开了。Molly warmed to the idea as soon as her husband came up with it.丈夫刚一提出这个想法,莫莉就兴奋了起来。I had no sooner walked through the door when the phone rang. = No sooner did I walk through the door than the phone rang. 刚一进门电话铃就响了。He had gone into hiding just after war broke out.战争刚一爆发他就躲了起来。As soon as they met they started to rub each other up the wrong way.他们刚一见面就惹得彼此很不高兴。When I offered her the job, she leapt at it.刚一提出要给她这份工作,她立即就接受了。Directly following this treatment, he had a hollow, empty feeling in his stomach.这项治疗刚一结束,他就觉得胃里空空的。As soon as I turn my back, the children start to misbehave.刚一转身,那帮孩子就开始调皮捣蛋了。




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