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He sold his soul to the devil in return for fame.他出卖良心换取虚名。You thought her usefulness was over. So you sold her down the river.你觉得她没有利用价值了,所以就把她给出卖了。They sold/traded their birthright for a mess of pottage.他们为一文不值的东西出卖了自己与生俱来的权利。He betrayed our friendship by revealing my secret to his cousin.他把我的秘密告诉他的堂兄,出卖了我们的友情。We were betrayed by a perfidious ally.我们被背信弃义的盟友出卖了。Sue tried to smile, but her voice gave her away.休想笑一笑,但是她的声音出卖了她。He was betrayed by a scheming friend.他被一位爱耍阴谋的朋友出卖了。They accused him of ratting out his own brother.他们指责他出卖了自己的兄弟。He is bitter against those who have betrayed him.他对出卖他的那些人怀着满腔仇恨。She realized that one of her friends must have betrayed her.她意识到她的朋友中肯定有一个人出卖了她。Sharett had betrayed him and delivered him to the enemy.沙雷特出卖了他,并把他交给了敌人。As soon as he became famous, he sold out.他一出名就出卖了自己的原则。He was aware of sharp disappointment and betrayal.他发觉自己感到极度失望和被出卖了。After he double-crossed his best friend, everyone gave him the cold shoulder.在他出卖了最好的朋友后,每个人待他十分冷淡。Never go back on your friends.永远别出卖你的朋友。If I ever find out that you gave me away I'll kill you.要是有一天我发现你出卖我,我就宰了你。His accomplices crossed him up.他的同伙出卖了他。Olga's best friend betrayed her to the secret police.奥尔佳最亲密的朋友把她出卖给了秘密警察。They were frightened of being double-crossed.他们害怕被人出卖。He was found guilty of selling secrets in return for sexual favours.他因出卖机密来进行性交易而被裁定有罪。When the Socialists changed their policy on nuclear weapons they were accused of selling out.社会党人改变了他们在核武器问题上的政策时,人们谴责他们出卖原则。Would you say what you felt was a feeling of betrayal?.你是否觉得有一种被人出卖的感觉?We shall never mortgage our independence to anyone, for the sake of any material interests.我们决不会为了物质利益而向任何人出卖独立。I felt a sense of betrayal when my friends refused to support me.当朋友们拒绝支持我的时候,我有一种被出卖的感觉。From that black day of betrayal onward he vowed to have his revenge.他自从不幸被出卖的那一天起就立誓要报仇。French farmers feel they've been sold out by their government in the negotiations.法国农场主感到在谈判中他们被政府出卖了。Small wonder that they feel betrayed.难怪他们觉得被出卖了。That vulture would sell out his best friend.那个贪婪家伙连最好的朋友也会出卖。I thought I could trust her, but she double-crossed me.我以为我可以信任她,可她却出卖了我。Marx defined the working class as people who sell their labour to employers.马克思把工人阶级定义为把劳动出卖给雇主的人。He was a traitor who betrayed his country by selling military secrets to the enemy.他向敌人出卖军事秘密,是个卖国贼。His wife walked out, selling her story to the gutter press, and accusing him of being an alcoholic.他妻子抛弃他,还向一些低级小报出卖她的故事,说他是个酒鬼。It was hard to avoid a sense of betrayal.那种被人出卖的感觉很难消除。He was accused of selling business secrets to competitors.他被控向竞争对手出卖公司机密。Don't worry, Robert's reliable. He won't split on us.别担心,罗伯特很可靠,他不会出卖我们的。The workers were promised that they would not lose their jobs as a result of the merger. Later they found out that they had been sold down the river.工人们得到过承诺说,公司合并之后他们不会丢掉工作,后来却发现他们被出卖了。Women do not have a monopoly on feelings of betrayal.被出卖的感觉并非只有女性才有。She felt betrayed, as though her daughter had stabbed her in the back.她感到被出卖了,就像女儿在自己背后捅了一刀似的。I can't believe my best friend would sell me down the river.我不相信我最好的朋友竟会出卖我。He acknowledged the sense of betrayal by civil rights leaders.他承认自己有一种被民权运动领袖出卖的感觉。 |