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Galton created composite pictures in which different faces were superimposed over one another.高尔顿制作的合成照片是由不同的头像叠印而成的。His picture was superimposed on a muscular body.他的照片被移花接木,放在了一个肌肉发达的身体上。A triangle superimposed on an inverted triangle forms a six-pointed star.一个三角形叠加在另一个倒三角形上,形成一个六角星。Galton devised a method of creating composite pictures in which the features of different faces were superimposed over one another.高尔顿发明了一种把不同人的五官相互叠加在一起的制作合成照片的方法。A photo of a cup of cappuccino had been superimposed on a picture of Venice.威尼斯风景照片上叠加了一幅一杯卡布奇诺咖啡的照片。We superimposed a grid over the image.我们在这张图像上面加了网格。Patterns of public administration and government are superimposed on traditional societies.公共管理和执政模式移用于传统社会。These cuts were superimposed on the problems already faced by the industry.工业上除了面临已有的问题外还要削减规模。Eastern themes superimposed onto Western architecture.东方主题融入了西方建筑中。 |