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词汇 bushy
例句 Pinch out the tips of the young growths to make for compact, bushy plants.掐掉幼株的芽尖以使植株长得紧凑浓密。He has very bushy eyebrows.他的眉毛很浓密。A fox has a long bushy tail.狐狸有毛茸茸的长尾巴。Some animals, as the fox and squirrel, have bushy tails.有些动物,诸如狐和松鼠,有蓬毛尾巴。Such animals as foxes and squirrels have bushy tails.有些动物,如狐和松鼠,有蓬松的尾巴。He arrived all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.他神采奕奕地来了。Pinch out the tips of bushy herbs like basil to encourage the plants to thicken out.修剪罗勒等灌木药材使其生长得更加茂盛。Her fiancé sported a bushy moustache.她的未婚夫留着浓密的小胡子。He always leaps out of bed bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.他起床时总是精力十足。




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