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词汇 meat
例句 Teachers have a lot to do, but time spent in the classroom is the meat and potatoes of the profession.老师们有许多事情要做,但是,把时间花在课堂上是其职业的最重要部分。Spoon the sauce over the meat.用调羹将调味汁浇在肉上。I don't eat meat or fish.我既不吃肉,也不吃鱼。She wrapped the meat in foil.她用箔纸把肉包起来。I stabbed at my meat with my fork.我用叉子戳肉。Scrape off all the meat juices stuck to the bottom of the pan.把粘在平底锅底的肉汁全擦掉。Leave the meat to marinate in the fridge overnight.让肉在冰箱里腌泡过夜。I haven't tasted meat for ages.我已有好久没吃过肉了。I've decided to leave off eating meat for a while.我已经决定暂时不吃肉了。Their food is adequate. It includes meat at least every other day, vegetables and fruit.他们的伙食足够丰富了,有蔬菜、水果,而且至少每隔一天吃一次肉。She impaled a piece of meat on her fork.她用餐叉叉了一块肉。Salting the meat before you cook it can toughen it.做肉之前用盐腌一下,会更有嚼劲。Mince the meat, including the fat.把肉剁碎,包括肥肉。The meat can then be baked, grilled, or sautéed with equally good results.接着可以把肉烘烤、烧烤或者嫩煎,味道都一样好。That meat was really tasty.那肉真好吃。Tofu can be used as a meat substitute in vegetarian recipes.素食菜谱中豆腐可用以替代肉类。Always wash your hands after handling uncooked meat.碰过生肉后一定要洗手。They claimed that a vegetarian diet was superior to a meat diet.他们说素食比肉食更加有益于健康。Neither he nor his wife eats meat.他和妻子都不吃肉。The meat was roasted over an open fire.肉是在明火上烤的。There's a good deal of evidence to show that eating red meat can cause heart disease.有大量证据显示,食用红色肉类会导致心脏疾病。Pare the brown skin from the meat with a very sharp knife.用一把非常锋利的刀将褐色的皮从肉上削去。The consumers welcomed the slash in meat prices.消费者欢迎削减肉价。The meat was spitting in the pan.肉在煎锅里咝咝响,油星四溅。San Marino should be easy meat for England in next week's match.下一周比赛圣马力诺队将会被英格兰队轻松击败。I don't eat eggs, much less meat.我不吃鸡蛋,更别提肉了。The meat is very well done.肉烧得很好。The recipe calls for alternating layers of meat sauce and pasta.制作方法要求肉酱和意大利面分层叠压。Uncooked meat should be stored separately.生肉必须另外保存。Nowadays I only buy meat that is organic.现在我只买有机肉类。Macphie processes meat into sausages and burgers.麦克菲公司把肉类加工成香肠和汉堡。Local specialities include a delicious concoction of spiced meat or fish, rice, and tomato.本地特色菜中包括一道由五香肉或鱼肉、大米以及西红柿调配的美味菜肴。If you don't like meat you can go without.如果你不喜欢吃肉,你可以不吃。The meat had been infected by E coli bacteria.肉被感染了大肠杆菌。They're real gourmets and buy only the best cuts of meat.他们真是美食家,只买最好的肉。Remove the meat with a fork.用餐叉把肉叉走。Spoon the sauce over the meat.用勺把酱汁浇在肉上。The rotten meat was repulsive. 腐肉令人作呕。They would sell the meat off as pet food.他们会把肉当成宠物食品卖掉。Many farmers have taken steps to directly market their meat to consumers.许多农民已采取措施把肉直接出售给消费者。




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