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词汇 measured
例句 Inflation, as measured by the consumer price index, is expected to drop.正如居民消费价格指数所显示的,通货膨胀率预期下降。The boat measured fifteen feet in length and four feet in breadth.这条船长十五英尺,宽四英尺。Currents and voltages are almost always measured in terms of as-maintained units.电流和电压几乎总是用标准度量衡单位测量的。Intelligence cannot be measured just by exam results.人的智力水平不能仅仅用考试成绩来衡量。We measured the length and width of the living room.我们量了客厅的长和宽。He measured the distance to the nearest Antarctic coast, and onwards to the South Pole.他测量了到南极洲海岸最近的距离,以及从海岸再到南极的距离。The rewards of art are not to be measured in money.艺术的报偿是不能以金钱来衡量的。They measured the acidity of the soil.他们测量了土壤的酸度。The material is patently offensive as measured by the standards for the broadcast medium.按照广播媒体的标准,这样的素材无疑令人反感。His recent films haven't measured up to his earlier works.他近期的电影不如早期作品。His early works were promising, but his recent films haven't measured up. 他早期的作品初露锋芒,但他近期的电影有失水准。All the children are weighed and measured regularly to check their development.所有儿童都定期测量体重和身高,检查发育情况。Education shouldn't be measured purely by examination results.教育不应该纯粹用考试成绩来衡量。The rainfall was measured over a three-month period.对三个月内的降雨量进行了测量。He's being measured for a new suit.他正在为做新衣服量尺寸。I measured the page.我量了页面。She carefully measured the length and width of the room.她仔细测量了房间的长度和宽度。He took the fabric and measured off a couple of metres.他拿过布量出几米。She spoke in carefully measured tones.她说话的语气很有分寸。I'd already measured out the ingredients.我已经量好了配料。She's being measured for her wedding outfit.她正在量身定做结婚礼服。He measured the diameter of the pond.他测量了池塘的直径。They measured out harsh punishments.他们予以严惩。Speed is measured in time and distance.速度依时间和距离测算。She was being measured for her wedding dress.正在给她量尺寸做结婚礼服。He measured his approach to suit the character of his client.他调整方法来迎合客户的性格。This table will give you some idea of how levels of ability can be measured.这张表格会让你大致了解能力水平可以怎样评估。A grammar school's success was measured in terms of the number of pupils who got into university.一所文法学校成功与否是以考上大学的学生人数为衡量依据的。Under Coach Wooden, UCLA men's basketball was so successful it was the benchmark other teams measured themselves against.在伍登教练的带领下,加州大学洛杉矶分校的男子篮球队非常成功,以至于成为其他篮球队的衡量基准。Education policy places too much emphasis on things that can be quantitatively measured.教育政策过于强调可定量测量的事项。He measured his strength against that of his opponent.他和对手比拼力气。The policy's effectiveness cannot be measured by numbers alone.这项政策的成效不能仅用数字来衡量。They measured the shallowness of the water.他们测量了水的深浅。Her more measured response will appeal to voters.她更为慎重的回应会打动选民。I measured the distance by eye. = I measured the distance with my eye. 我目测了距离。They measured off a half-acre plot for the house lot.他们划出一块半英亩的土地作宅基地。The incident calls for a measured response, avoiding knee-jerk reactions.这一事件需要慎重对待,不要不动脑子就回应。She measured out the flour, butter and sugar and started to mix a cake.她按规定量出面粉、黄油和糖,开始配制蛋糕。Shakespeare is the standard against which all playwrights must be measured.莎士比亚是必然会用以衡量所有剧作家的标准。We measured the distance.我们测量了距离。




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