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词汇 bow
例句 The bow unbends when the string is loosened.弦一松,弓就变直了。She drew and aimed her bow.她拉开弓瞄准。He would bow out of politics after the next election.下届选举后,他将退出政坛。Tie it in a bow.把它打成蝴蝶结。Add a length of ribbon tied in a bow.再用一段丝带,系个蝴蝶结。The archer strung his bow and aimed an arrow at the target.弓箭手拉紧弓弦,把箭对准目标。Reeves thinks it is time for him to bow out of politics.里夫斯认为他应该退出政坛了。The famous singer took a bow to the thundering applause of the audience.这位著名歌唱家在听众雷鸣般掌声中鞠躬致谢。The poodle came back from the groomers perfumed, with a tiny bow behind each ear.那鬈毛狗从护理员那里回来香喷喷的,两个耳朵后面还各打了一个小小的蝴蝶结。The priest asked us all to join hands and bow our heads in prayer.牧师让我们所有人手拉着手低头祈祷。Let us bow our heads and offer a prayer of thanks.让我们低下头来,祈祷表示感谢。She's disgusted by politicians who bow and scrape before wealthy contributors.她极其厌恶那些在有钱的出资人面前点头哈腰的政客。A cow goes "moo" and a dog goes "bow-wow".牛“哞哞”叫,狗“汪汪”叫。The song ended and Albert took a bow.一曲结束,艾伯特鞠躬谢幕。They usually bow to his wishes. 他们往往屈从于他的意愿。All must bow down in the face of progress.面对进步,大家必须表示服气。The usher opened the door with a bow.迎宾员躬身打开了门。His bow tie had come undone.他的领结松开了。Do you know how to tie a bow tie?你知道怎么打蝶形领结吗?She wore a peignoir held together at the throat by a bow of ribbon.她穿了一件宽大的浴衣,颈前由一个缎带蝴蝶结拢住。He made a deep bow to the king.他向国王深鞠一躬。Some people bow before money.有些人在金钱面前俯首贴耳。She tied her shoelaces in a bow.她把鞋带打成蝴蝶结。We left two men in the bow to receive the cargo.我们留了两个人在船头接收货物。The mast, which was a solid spruce spar, bent like a bow, and for a moment I thought we were going to lose it.坚固的云杉木做成的桅杆已经弯得像一把弓,那一刻我觉得它马上就要断了。In some cultures it is polite to greet people with a bow, while in others a handshake is preferred.有的文化以鞠躬表示礼貌的问候,而另一些文化更推崇握手的表达方式。The cast all lined up on stage to take their bow.全体演员都在台上站成一排向观众鞠躬。He gave a formal bow and left the room.他正式地鞠了个躬就离开了房间。He knew he would not win the election, so he decided to bow out of the presidential race.他知道不会赢得选举,所以决定退出总统竞选。The ship's name was printed on her bow.这艘船的名字印在船头上。The ship's bow cleaved through the water.船头破浪前行。The bow tension is constantly adjusted with three fingers of the right hand.琴弓的松紧度是不断地用右手的三个手指来调整的。The waiter made a courtly bow.侍者恭恭敬敬地鞠了一躬。Jules said goodnight with a formal little bow.朱尔斯很正式地微微一弯腰道了声晚安。When the play has finished, the actors will line up to take a bow.演出结束时,演员排成一排,鞠躬谢幕。They moulded a complete new bow section for the boat.他们为这艘船铸造了一个完整的新船头。She tied her long hair in a bow at the nape of her neck.她将长发在颈背处扎成一个蝴蝶结。She tied/wore a bow in her hair.她在头发上扎/戴了个蝴蝶结。He was a portly figure in a tight-fitting jacket and bow tie.他身材肥胖,穿着一件紧绷绷的短上衣,戴着领结。That's not the only string to his bow.他不只是有那一手。




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