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词汇 几个月
例句 I do not wish to be alarmist, but the situation in the region is worse than it has been in many months.我不想危言耸听,但是该地区的局势比前几个月更糟糕。Several months passed before I received a reply.几个月过去后我才收到回复。It was their love that got me through those first difficult months.是他们的关爱帮助我熬过开头几个月的困难时期。Language acquisition begins in the first months of a baby's life.语言习得在婴儿出生后的头几个月就开始了。Rumour, myth and hearsay obscure the truth after months of bloodshed.在流血事件发生后的几个月里,谣言、谎话和传闻混淆了事实真相。After several months in a hospital bed, my leg muscles had atrophied.我在医院病床上呆了几个月后,腿部肌肉已经萎缩了。Prices have risen sharply over the last few months.过去几个月里物价大幅度上涨。Economists are looking for the economy to improve in the next few months.经济学家期待今后几个月内经济形势会有所好转。For months the company has resisted changing its accounts system.几个月了,公司一直拒绝改变其会计制度。Although the doctors had been able to keep her illness at bay for a few months, the disease soon began to spread again.尽管医生将她的病情控制住了几个月,可疾病不久又开始扩散了。The kidnapping has caused the family months of heartbreak and suffering.绑架事件使这个家庭几个月都沉浸在伤心和痛苦中。Unemployment in the region is expected to grow in the months ahead.这一地区的失业率估计在以后几个月将会增加。They've been ducking each other for months.几个月来,他们一直都在回避对方。In the winter months, she trains in Montana.冬季那几个月,她在蒙大拿受训。The adjudication of his German citizenship followed some months later.几个月后他的德国国籍获得了批准。Our systems will be rationalized over the coming months.在接下来的几个月里,我们的体制将进行合理化改革。A few more months of hard work should be enough to get/put us over the hump on this project.再努力工作几个月,我们应该就能度过这个项目最困难的阶段了。Peace it seemed might at last be no more than a few months away.看起来,几个月内也许会最终实现和平。Months of uncertainty came to an end when the final votes were counted.最后清点选票后,几个月来的动荡终于结束。These are the bare essentials you'll need to dress your baby during the first few months.这些是你的宝宝在头几个月里要穿的基本衣物。We told the police months ago, but they still haven't done anything about it.几个月前我们就告诉警方了,可他们至今对此未采取任何行动。The President was involved in discussions in the months leading up to the war.在战争爆发前的几个月里,总统一直在参与讨论。Real estate prices seem to have bottomed out, and sellers can expect to get higher prices in coming months.房产价格似乎降到了拐点,卖家可期望接下来的几个月价格回升。After all these months, it's hard to believe that we're actually finished.真难相信经过这几个月之后我们真的完成了。The negotiators were meeting in secret for several months before the peace agreement was made public.在和平协议公布以前,谈判秘密地进行了几个月It would be his last French lesson for months.这将是他以后几个月里的最后一堂法语课。The kidnappings undermined several months of delicate peace negotiations.这些绑架事件使几个月以来微妙的和平谈判渐渐趋于破裂。After months of waiting for something to happen, he decided to take matters into his own hands. 在等待了几个月之后,他决定亲自处理问题。In just a few short months he was promoted to manager.短短几个月,他就被提升为经理。You may find your first couple of months in the job quite a challenge.你可能会发现这工作的头几个月相当具有挑战性。I think these trousers are good for another few months.我认为这些裤子还能再穿几个月I should try to finish my novel over the next few months.我要尽力在接下来的几个月里完成我的小说。Several months ago, McNair learned that he had cancer.几个月前麦克奈尔知道自己患了癌症。Taiwan's economy has been experiencing a meltdown over the past few months.几个月来,台湾的经济正在经历一个大溃败。After months of enquiry we finally discovered the truth.经过几个月调查,我们最后发现了真相。The whole visit was something of a disaster, and he was still recovering from it months later.整个访问以惨败告终,几个月之后他心里还没恢复平静。Future plans will depend on member participation and input in the coming months.未来的计划将取决于接下来几个月里成员的参与和投入。They lived together for several months before getting married.他们结婚前已同居几个月了。He's really slimmed down over the last few months.几个月来他的确瘦多了。In those days, many children were put to bed before dark in the summer months.那时夏天的几个月里,很多小孩子都是天黑以前就被打发上床的。




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