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词汇 hung over
例句 A misty sun hung over the crag.雾霭迷蒙的太阳悬在险崖之上。A pall of smoke hung over the city.城市上空烟雾迷漫。A foul haze of pollution hung over the city.城市上空悬浮着一层污染形成的肮脏烟雾。The miasma of defeat hung over them.失败的气氛在他们中间弥漫。A banner was hung over the street advertising the local theater production.大街上悬挂了一条横幅,宣传当地剧院上演的戏剧。Many unknowns hung over the economy.有许多未知因素威胁着经济。A perpetual mist hung over the valley.雾气始终笼罩着山谷。A deathly silence hung over the square.广场上死一般地寂静。He woke up groggy and hung over.他醒来时昏昏沉沉的,处于宿醉状态。A sense of doom hung over the town.一种末日将要来临的可怕预感笼罩着全镇。A sense of doom hung over the entire country.整个国家都笼罩在厄运降临的气氛之中。An atmosphere of doubt and uncertainty hung over the town.疑虑和不安的气氛笼罩着全城。We hung over the side of the boat and waved.我们靠到船边招手。The moon hung over the harbour dabbling the waves with gold.月亮高挂在港湾上空,给水面洒上点点金色。A pall of yellow smoke hung over the quarry.采石场笼罩在一片黄色烟雾中。A thick mist hung over the town.城镇笼罩在浓雾中。The tree hung over the edge of the lake.那棵树向湖面突出地长在湖边。A pall of smoke hung over the village after the fire.大火过后,村子被一层烟幕笼罩。A canopy hung over the altar.圣坛上方悬挂着罩篷。He found it difficult to get a job because a cloud always hung over his reputation.由于他的洗刷不清的坏名声,他发现很难找到工作。A pall of thick grey smoke hung over the buildings.那些建筑物的上空笼罩着厚厚一层灰色的烟幕。A faint mist hung over the valley.山谷上空笼罩着薄雾。A heavy mist arose and hung over the city.一阵浓雾升起,笼罩全城。The terrible spectre of civil war hung over the country once again.内战可怕的阴云再一次笼罩这个国家。The mushroom cloud of the A-bomb hung over the desert again.原子弹爆炸的蘑菇云再度笼罩在沙漠的上空。She hung over the seat, her hair wisping against the floor.她的身子俯伏在座位上,缕缕长发散落在地板上。Several towels hung over the side of the bath.几条毛巾搭在浴缸边。An air of solemnity hung over the event.庄严的气氛笼罩着整个事件。A thick layer of smoke hung over the city.城市上空弥漫着一层厚厚的烟雾。His face had the bleary unfocused look of someone who is completely hung over.他睡眼惺忪,目光涣散,完全是一副宿醉未醒的面容。A large mirror hung over the fireplace.一面大镜子悬挂在壁炉上方。A deathly silence hung over the town.死一样的沉寂笼罩着全城。The danger of war hung over Europe.战争的危机威胁欧洲。A pall of depressed indifference hung over Petrograd.彼得格勒上空笼罩着一种令人压抑的冷漠气氛。Thick cloud hung over the moor.浓云悬在荒野的上空。They hung over the fire on a cold night.在寒冷的夜晚,他们在火边取暖。A shroud of darkness hung over the city.黑暗笼罩着这座城市。His head has been hung over with thick bandage except two eyes.除了两只眼睛,他的头裹上了厚厚的绷带。His jacket hung over the back of his chair.他的夹克衫搭在椅子背上。The battle still hung over some parts.零星的战斗依然在某些地区展开着。




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