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词汇 hunger strike
例句 He is on hunger strike in protest at what he claims is his wrongful conviction for murder.他称他的谋杀罪为错判,因而进行绝食抗议。They have begun a hunger strike in protest at the alleged beating.他们开始绝食以抗议有人所宣称的殴打行为。She has threatened to go on a hunger strike if her colleagues are not released from prison.她扬言,如果不把她的同伴从监狱里放出来,就绝食抗议。The protestors threatened to go on a hunger strike if their demands are not met.抗议分子威胁如果不满足他们的要求就要绝食抗议。The prisoners are staging a hunger strike.犯人们在谋划发动绝食抗议。He has begun a hunger strike in protest over political violence in Karachi.为了抗议卡拉奇的政治暴力,他已开始了绝食。Three of the prisoners are currently on hunger strike.三个犯人正在绝食抗议。He starved to death in a hunger strike.他在一次绝食斗争中饿死了。




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