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词汇 hunker down
例句 The leaders hunkered down at a country estate for difficult peace negotiations.领导人待在一座农庄,进行艰难的和平谈判。The press have hunkered down for the night outside the palace, waiting for news of the royal birth.媒体在王宫外守候了一夜,等候王室添丁的消息。Their strategy for the moment is to hunker down and let the fuss die down.他们目前的策略就是保持低调,让事态渐渐平息。I hunkered down, ignoring the funny looks from passers-by.我蹲下身,不去管路人投来的古怪目光。He felt his backache and didn't hunker down.他感到背很痛,而且蹲不下身。We hunkered down around the campfire, toasting marshmallows.我们蹲在篝火旁烤软糖饼吃。Betty hunkered down on the floor.贝蒂蹲在地板上。




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