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词汇 准备接受
例句 He is prepared to make a living by accepting any remunerative chore.为了生计,他准备接受任何有酬报的杂活。He's going to have his hip joint replaced.准备接受髋关节置换。I tried to ready him for the bad news.我设法让他有思想准备接受这个坏消息。The troops prepared for the daily inspection.部队准备接受日常检阅。The captain told the crew to prepare to receive a boarding party.船长告诉船员准备接受登船搜查队的检查。Sit at the front and prepare to be royally entertained.请前排就座并准备接受盛情款待。She is prepared to accept any remunerative chore, however demeaning.准备接受任何有酬的打杂活计,不管多么有失身份。He was prepared to take a drop in wages.他已做好心理准备接受降薪。




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