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词汇 冲突
例句 He had a diary conflict.他的工作日程有冲突The conflict arose from tensions between the different ethnic groups.这次冲突是不同种族群体之间关系紧张造成的。There were casualties on both sides of the conflict.冲突双方均有伤亡。These clashes could develop into open warfare.这些冲突可能会发展成为公开的战争。Scores of people have been hurt in running battles with police.很多人在与警方的持续冲突中受伤。No sane person wishes to see conflict or casualties.理智的人都不愿意看到冲突或伤亡。In any matrimonial conflict, it is always the children who suffer most.在任何夫妻冲突中,受害最深的总是孩子。The film explored the tension between public duty and personal affections.这部电影探讨了公共义务和个人情感之间的冲突His time is remembered as an idyll before the strife that has torn Afghanistan apart.在他的记忆中,阿富汗因冲突四分五裂之前,他的日子一直都过得很惬意。Other bidders are now likely to enter the fray.其他竞标者现在可能卷入冲突Rivalry between football fans developed into open warfare.足球迷之间的对抗升级为公开的冲突This weekend's fighting is threatening to burst into full-scale war.本周末的冲突有升级成全面战争的危险。It is natural to find conflict in the work environment, in the family, or any other human context.在工作场合、家庭内部,或其他任何与人有关的环境下出现冲突是很正常的。There is a danger of the conflict spreading across the whole of Central Africa.冲突有扩大至整个中非的危险。There is a conflict between what they are doing and what you want.他们所做的与你想要的之间存在冲突Iranian and Iraqi troops clashed on the border.伊朗和伊拉克军队在边境爆发冲突The UN must perform a difficult balancing act between the two sides in the conflict.联合国必须在冲突双方之间艰难地维持平衡。The present conflict might provide fresh impetus for peace talks.目前的冲突可能会给和谈带来新的动力。This time it is likely to be only an overture to a clash in the Iraqi capital itself.这一次,它可能只是伊拉克首都冲突的前奏。He got in trouble with the Man and ended up in jail.他跟警察起了冲突,最后被关进了监狱。As a result of this conflict he lost both his home and his means of livelihood.由于这次冲突,他失去了家和谋生的饭碗。He got crosswise with his boss and nearly lost his job.他和老板起了冲突,差点丢了工作。All attempts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict have now been abandoned.和平解决这场冲突的所有努力,现在都已经放弃了。Confrontations must be mastered as they arise.冲突一出现就应该被控制住。One member of the planning committee had a conflict of interest as he lived near the proposed road.规划委员会的一位成员就住在计划建设的公路旁,因此有利益上的冲突Her heart pulled one way, her head another.她的情感与理智相互冲突The contrasting styles jarred.截然不同的风格相互冲突The conflict might spill over into neighbouring towns.这场冲突可能会波及邻近城镇。A very real danger exists of the conflict becoming internationalised.这一冲突实际上很有可能演变成国际化问题。The conflict has become more generalized.冲突范围越来越广。The government has taken these measures in an attempt to de-escalate the conflict.政府已采取这些措施试图缓和冲突There were fears that the diplomatic skirmishing would escalate.有人担心外交冲突会愈演愈烈。Politicians should carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages of committing US troops to this conflict.政治家应仔细权衡使美军卷入这场冲突的利与弊。The potential for conflict is great.爆发冲突的可能性很大。There has been fresh fighting between police and demonstrators.警方和示威者又发生了冲突Conflict is varnished over with polite words.冲突为彬彬有礼的言辞所掩饰。The situation is grim for the innocent people, caught up in this conflict.这些无辜的老百姓遭遇这场冲突,处境十分艰难。The objective is to substitute real democratic politics for conflict and violence.目的是用真正的民主政治来代替冲突与暴力。His advisers are rightfully hesitant about involving the United States in the conflict.他的顾问理所当然地不太愿意美国卷入此次冲突The police said the clash was a sequel to yesterday's nationwide strike.警方说这场冲突是昨天全国大罢工的余波。




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