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The bad weather blunted their enthusiasm for camping.糟糕的天气冲淡了他们去露营的热情。His injury took the edge off the team's victory.他的受伤冲淡了全队胜利的喜悦。This strategy effectively neutralized what the party had hoped would be a vote-winner.这一策略有效地冲淡了该政党希望在选举中获胜的心态。This thought subdued my initial delight at the news.这一想法冲淡了我最初听到这一消息时的喜悦心情。The pain of parting had lessened over the years.年月逝去,分手的痛苦也渐渐被冲淡了。The thought briefly took the edge off her enjoyment.这一想法暂时冲淡了她的快乐。His sadness was balanced by memories of happier days.回忆昔日的快乐时光冲淡了他的忧伤。 |